So often we hear and it's been regurgitated for generations that America was founded on Christian principles or values. This largely from those advocating both that America was indeed founded by bible-believing Christians and based on Christian principles.
But is that really the truth? The fact is that America was indeed founded on freedom of religion; but that doesn't mean it was on Christian principles. Frankly none of the founding fathers were Christians, they were Deists. They believe in the existence of God. But how can we be sure it's the One and only true God Yahweh? And yet ironically the constitution both contradicts and supports itself in this regard as it states, " "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." Article 6 section 3.
If this is so, then America has had a loophole from its foundation to give rise and power to just about any religious body. This would also be again a loophole for any elected person to the office of presidency to be as instrumental as possible in accommodating whatever ideology under the mask of, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." Article 6 section 3.
But after some 238 years where does America stand ethically religiously?
Well according to a 2013 study by Gallup, " Gallup classifies Americans as very religious if they say religion is an important part of their daily lives and that they attend religious services every week or almost every week. More than four in 10 Americans nationwide (41%) fit this classification in 2013. Twenty-nine percent of Americans were nonreligious, saying religion is not an important part of their daily lives and that they seldom or never attend religious services. The remaining 29% were moderately religious, saying religion is important in their lives but that they do not attend services regularly, or that religion is not important but that they still attend services."
That means 4 out of 10 American considers religion important enough to their lives as it relates to weekly services. But going to church services although it's important doesn't necessarily reflect where, they are as committed Christians or where they would sit as it relates to Religious freedom rights. In fact, I like to respectfully suggest it would be helpful if Gallup would help us get a clearer picture of the percentage that is committed to not just religion as an ideology but to see, "What percentage of Americans are actively engaged in Religious Liberty activities?" And, "What are the denominations and demographics with that 41%?
If this could be further clarified it might help us to better identify the truth behind these numbers; that the reality is, if America is to yet wake up Spiritually the burden lies within a much merger margin than the 41% that is reflected here based on Gallup, and at best are service related Christianity. That there might be informed Christians, who care; but dont care to get actively involved in the political aspect of their religion, may yet be our biggest defeat. Like I said before, "If we don't do something when we can, we will live in fear and die in regret." To watch and pray is not enough friends. Because, we pray doesn't negate our need to be "present." Look! the enemy and false religions like Islam is attempting to increase its dominance and presence. So, can we say this is about determination of our numbers? Or that numbers should will affect our determination?
Let's say this is what we look like in numbers, (basically >41% depending on participation) we can do one of two things:-
1. Ignore: Keep doing what we are doing (saying and believing we are religious) that we are a religious tolerant nation, that supports separation of church and state. But do no further than say and believe is leaving us in a very vulnerable place - as a people and as dormant Christians.
2. Equip: Get to the core of Americans that are really and actively committed to standing and fighting not just for freedom of religion. Because that is every ideologist fight. No, to fight (educationally, emotionally, spiritually, economically and yes physically if forced to); against the suppression and oppression of Jews and Christians who are being forced or kill to submit to a deity. Like America other countries is of the belief that their countries was founded on some religious mandate. That inspires them to go above and beyond, fanatics really. And we as Christians stand by and are in awe of the damage they have done and fear what they may do to us. Yet, it is our God given right to stand against the plans of any and every false ideology that points away from God the Father of Yesuha (the Messiah Christ); God the Creator. God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! The One true God of Heaven and Earth. Who quickens our spirit to have holy boldness and speak up before kings and kingsdoms. It is our God given right to stand for ourselves. But if we can't stand for our own cause, no wonder we are divided as Christians in our stand for Israel.
Today some of us are busy planning, building houses, picking from our gardens, and just doing whatever makes our life meaningful and beautiful in our world. Yet in someone else's world, millions in fact, Christians are being slaundered and strip of their lives. They are being trivialized as bags of bones and carnage. Those that are spared are being traumatized by the neglect of---get this, not themajority---but the handful that could make the difference.
You read that right. It's the minority that has often, if not always makes the difference. That one lone voice. That small prayer group. That tiny little chapel or congregation. That one man. That one woman. That one child.
That one child like this that is taught from as early as age 5 to kill all infidels. Confession of a son here of such training
See and note the comparison of the chaos in the Middle East. It's due in part because of a leader of one small group of Jihadist. Each one ignites the next small group and so on. For they serve a god of war, who wants to annihilate one little nation. Israel. One little piece of land. Why because of One promise. Israel is fighting the fight Americans need to be fighting. Israel, a nation that reflects what God has done, can do and is doing with the least and smallest of "underdogs."
But America with all it's divided interest and religious thoughts of itself is standing aloft speaking but not doing---at least not as much as we truly can. God bless the few that have been bold and brave to speak up, rise up and to inspire hope, not groomed to do so but have been anointed and appointed years ago, for such a time as this.
What we do know that is both historical fact and biblical truth, is that God gave Israel the land as far back as Genesis began. See here.
Nevertheless while America is facing it's our division regarding the our ongoing border invasion. Israel cannot afford to divide its land for peace any longer. In fact they never should have given up any fraction of it.
Rise up America. Stand firm Israel! Even if we will be treated and hacked and killed like dogs by dogs such dogs themselves. We are the majority in power with God, one determined and dedicated handful who have decided not to lie down and die ---but to stand ---to rise for what is righteous and right.
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