Since Israel began Operation Protective Edge, I've never
seen such a biased barrage of slanderous media-generated rhetoric against
Israel. In fact I've never seen it against any other country great or small.
This while some corporations and countries are openly unashamed of their
support of a united government deep in moral corruption and ethical crimes get
more favorable media headlines.
It's incredible to see,
how even some of these same media bodies that covered 911 had no fear,
called attacks made on America by its rightful name---terrorism. Regardless of
which side of the political fence that, that media sat or stood. It was
unanimously agreed that; that acts of such and that any similar acts were
nothing short of terrorism. Even if they
hated us and they do and even if they celebrated our pain and they do. They had
no choice but to call it by its rightful name. But America land of the free and
brave were united on all fronts, agreed we would fight this notorious act
against our Sovereign nation, inside job, conspiracy theory or not. Many organizations were born out of this
commitment, such as ACT! For America.
Yet the propaganda monsters that continue to fuel their
savage appetites and agenda setting against Israel, by releasing manipulated
photos and reports of Israeli forces murdering by the masses innocent women and
children is more ridiculous than sickening.
Reports that fail miserably to acknowledge that Israel is the only
Country in the free World that employs the "knock on roof/door"
policy. A policy implemented to lessen civilian casualties. A policy based on
the value and worth of the human life. A
value that Israel can no doubt empathize with, due in part to its own escape
from the claws of annihilation which is a different kind of death. A death
conspiracy -- a war crime brought to life by those who lived to kill. Should we
try to deny History, we would be betrayed by countless records and footage
(some live) of lifeless-dry bones of millions of dead innocent Polish, Russian
German Jews. Lives taken as if they were rotten fruits left for the birds to
consume. While pious humanity turned its head.
Have we not learnt from the ghosts of our past? That
memories, don't live like people do? They always stay with you.
It's painful enough to be caught between a rock and a hard
place, to give up your life for your people and freedom you might never live to
part take. But it's even more painful when those you are dying to save though
not your own, blames and continues to blame while soliciting others to join in
and do the same.
It's often said, "If Israel were to lay down its arms,
there would be no more Israel." I'd like to respectfully disagree. That if
Israel were iron dome-free and lay down its arms, there would be no more need
for Israel to worry for its defense. For the God of Abraham Jacob and Isaac
would and will fight and is fighting on her behalf and in her stead! The Battle
is not yours. Oh my dear Israel. It's The Lord!

Certainly, if possible Israel would desire that all
civilians be saved as much as humanly possible, in such circumstances. But in
war ...there are no real winners, you either survive or you don't. Both
Palestinians and Israelis are affected and are dying. We grieve, I mourn with
that heartbreaking fact. That both sides are hurting as reported by the
respective media, that much remains the truth and is a fact. In no way would or should we ever
underestimate or trivialize this.
But of course the
propaganda problem doesn't lie so much anymore with just these media monsters,
acknowledging the deaths but not the perpetrators. The solution rests with each
of us...with you. You a person of not
just incredible intellect but in good conscience, I believe every person have
been touched by a cause that causes them to choose sides, for the simply reason
---that it's not like those other cases where one can clearly side with the
slogan, "two wrongs don't make right." It cannot possibly be right
that all sovereign nations on the face of the planet have the right to defend
themselves, except Israel.
Sadly gone are the days when respectful and accurate
journalism governed media. And media houses didn't just want to be the first
breaking the news, but broke their backs, getting the breaking news right. Long
gone are those moral rules that governed not just our media but our minds, and
committed to the facts, getting to the bottom of the truth regardless. For
those who can relate to the television series "Matlock" or
"Murder She Wrote". Such TV classics; modeled those moral principles
and was governed by a writers script that reflected a generation of truth
lovers and justice seekers.
Today however; my
attention and challenge is not just to the media but to the average global
citizen; who I believe must decide to commit to hold themselves and each other
accountable, to what they will or will not propagate for the sheer act of it.
And while it's this same media, that I'm using to communicate to you, that this
must not go unchallenged or unchecked. We ---together can undo or at least
minimize some of the damage these false media frenzy reports have generated. We
will not be governed by this mentality that, "even bad publicity is good
It's you my dear friends
that hold the power of truth in your sphere of influence. But you cannot break
that rule of engagement, by choosing blindly to believe a lie and label it as
Truth. If you are not committed to listening to, and also observing which of
the two sides, live up to what they say and do. Which side empowers its people
to rise up for good and stand against evil and injustice? Which side is more
cautious and careful in how their action are perceived, and is willing to go
above and beyond to modify its tactics not increase its antics?
In matters of conscience we must uphold and support the side that holds to and adhere to the actions that support moral human rights, mercy, justice and yes truth and freedom of choice---to defend itself. Millions of Gaza residents are aware of whom the real enemy is and it's not ---Israel. We must do whatever we can do, to recover whatever little moral compass we have starting this day. For by doing so we are in effect doing one of two (2) things, if not more. We are either:-
1. Empowering Truth/Eradicating
2. Eradicating Truth/Empowering Lies
By contrast by empowering truth, lies will be eradicated. By
eradicating lies, Truth prevails. However, "Your truth", cannot be
just about preference. But I would prefer to see the lies of Hamas destroyed,
and the truth about Israel lives. This preference makes the difference. Because
you, the decision maker must unequivocally decide to be the emissary of change;
the envoy of truth and justice and the beacon of light.
Someone wise once said that the absence of light is what we
call darkness. Well "What do you call media reports that are void of facts
and truths?" And even if there are tons of facts inoculated with just a
slight blurring and blending, it's not void of lies thus voids credibility.
Remember Salem?! Salem means peace. In Hebrew that's Shalom.
It embodies meanings of peace and to be whole. Yet in an uproar that tore to
pieces in a small village of Massachusetts, thousands of innocent women were
label witches because people, even close friends and families were cowards. Yet
loved ones and neighbors refused to speak up refused to stand up for what is
right, honorable and true. But many of these women remain silent to death
despite their innocence while their accusers accused and yelled, calling for
their deaths. What a contrast. Some of
you might not be familiar with the story of Salem. But today around world
anti-Semite chants and calls are being made by Israel's accusers.
History however, has a record for us lest we chose to forget,
the consequences of those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat
it. No country or people have been able to escape this reality, as many nations
and countries over a lifetime and during key centuries have faced some
atrocities that stood larger than life and threaten to destroy their
sovereignty. Unfortunately as a result of a self-inflicted muted and blinded
society, who feared death more than they loved life? Who loved war more than
they longed for peace? Who speak more “lies than truth?” Who demanded to be
revered and respected even while they commit themselves to the destruction of
another, the innocent are killed. Who denies their own peoples' right to
survive by men ...grown men hiding behind their mothers’ skirts? To think, men
hiding behind the women and children to preserve self; how low and coward can
one get? But those who fight with dignity will never be defeated.
Rich or poor---If you
are of African descent you know what that meant for your survival and very
continued existence.
Rich or poor---If you are of Asian or Oriental ancestry you
know what that means in preserving your sovereignty, dynasty, imperialism.
Rich or poor--- If you are Amish, Native American or
Abornese or Navajo native you know what lengths you have gone to preserve your
unique cultural identity your people-- your land.
Rich or poor---If you are of Caucasian lineage you know the
risks and altitude you'd be stirred to take, to conquer and defend your
Rich or poor ----If you are a born again believer regardless
of your denomination you know what sacrifices and challenges you've faced to
stand firm; courageous and uncompromising in your faith.
Rich or poor ----If you are a born again believer you know
what that means for your faith in earth's coming last days
Rich or poor---if you are reading or listening to this you
have gone through something in your life personally or professionally ---spiritually
that you've had to commit to choose, to preserve your sanity and peace even
while knowing you might stand alone. Even while knowing you will be ostracized
by others---even those you love or say they love you. But you'd do it again,
because it was the right and honorable thing to do.
That doesn't mean
there won't be conflict and consequences but instead; what it could mean is
that---If you refuse to not do something while you can---you will either live
in fear or die ---in regret.
African men women and
children were sold into slavery and treated like savage animals by savaged
barbaric animals. Women all over the world have been and are abused abducted
and raped, traded and offered up as sex slaves to support the carnage industry
of human souls and bones.
And where do you fit
into all of this? it is you who must decide to be the emissary of
change; the envoy of justice and the beacon of light. You. It you who must be
the eyes of the blind. The ears of the deaf. The mouth of the muted. The feet of the lame. The face of the names
of those who like you fought without fear. The victor for the victims long gone
but not forgotten. The heart of the heartless. And the purpose of the cause.
You. You. And yes even you.
What truth did you speak, today? What truth have you shared today? What truths
have fought for today?
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