"For Gaza will be abandoned. Woe to the inhabitants of the
seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against
you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you so that
there will be no inhabitant. So the seacoast will be pastures, with
caves for shepherds and folds for flocks. And the coast will be for the
remnant of the house of Judah, they will pasture on it. In the houses of
Ashkelon they will lie down at evening; For the LORD their God will
care for them and restore their fortune." (Zephaniah 2:4-7)
Arguably one could say that Gaza was "abandoned," by
the Jews on the account of Ariel Sharon's 2005 unilateral
disengagement. His withdrawal of all Israeli and soldiers from Gaza in
2005 was one of much controversy. However, he (Sharon) concluded that
Israel’s long-term security goals could best be met by their removal. In
doing so, he changed Israel’s political map and how Israel would need
to continually outmaneuver its enemies. Eight years later and in the
same year of his death Israel is facing her demons yet again.
But one can also see that in spite of that
withdrawal (eviction) of the Jewish people; Gaza is still not destroyed.
So this prophecy is yet to happen, and not just that Gaza is yet to be
completely destroyed; but nor is Gaza without inhabitants today. So
clearly this pertains to a future calamity that is directed at Gaza by
the very hand of The Almighty.
From the headlines it seems like Gaza, Ashkelon and Ashdod the just to name a few are on God's things to do list.
why is that? What can we make of this prophecy in light of what we are
witnessing today as Israel comes under scrutiny for invading Gaza's
When did these Gaza militants become such a thorn in the flesh for Israel? Well the short version of what led Israel here could be attributed to the 2005 placement of thousands of Jewish people many of them farmers.
Sharon, himself was a farmer and was especially fond
of his beloved farm. Ironically even He while he was being laid to rest
there, rockets rained and fired from Gaza. It often crossed my mind
what was he thinking? Why would he make such a decision and did he not
know of the prophecy regarding the fate of Gaza? Was he ever remotely
aware of the fate awaiting anyone that scattered God's people and
divided His land? We will never know.
What we know is that what happened is still seen by
some as the mistake of a millennium ---for Israelis and innocent
Palestinians, who are no doubt paying for it with their very lives.
Catch a glimpse of the details here.
While former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon foot it unilaterally in terms
of withdrawing from Gaza, the current Prime Minister Netanyahu, has been
determined to stand united with Israel but globally alone. One could
say that, "The hardest action to take as a leader, is the one that
prevents the bad thing," because you can never prove that you prevented
something worse." But while it could be heavily debated the Obama
administration was second guessing Netanyahu. Dare I suggest that Netanyahu dare not second guessed
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was also with Him. This was
self evident in his last United Nations speech, in with he declared
Israel would stand alone if she had to.
He's been anointed I think, for such a time as this,
and will see many more days (years) of war but also a witness of the so
called and highly expected "peace" agreement however; short lived. But
perhaps not before the impending Psalm 83 War though.
Recently, Iran called for a confederacy of Muslims
nations to form and destroy Israel and Psalm 83 prophesy just that. A
call from Muslims to all Muslims who have in no uncertain terms
vocalized in their hopes of wiping Israel off the map. This shouldn't
surprise us, but it does give me the chills to think, that like Gaza,
this Psalm 83 war was prophesied over 1900 years ago! We are living in
the generation that is seeing the unfolding of these prophecies friends.
If Psalm 83 is speaking of the plans to destroy the Nation of Israel
and the Jewish people it cannot be that the church has replaced Israel.
If not them, then we need to brace ourselves and get ready, for the
Muslims are coming!
if that was scary or impressive enough to be witnessing--- there is the
Isaiah 17 Prophecy Against Damascus Syria's capital.
Will the Islamic State that takes out Damascus, or will it be Israel?
Hey now!
These are prophecies that concerning key players in the Middle East.
What is the deal with that? Are you seeing a
pattern? Here we see yet another Islamic nation that God is clearly
calling our attention to pointing to its destruction.
four years and counting Damascus is standing but every so lightly these
days as wars and rumors if wars continues around the globe. Yet one
fateful night we will go to bed and awaken the next morning with to the
headlines, "Damascus is no more!" Or, "Damascus in Ruinous Heap!" Can
you just imagine how that will shake up believers and non-believers the
world over? And while it shouldn't surprise those that are aware of this
impending doom it never fails to ignite new hope that soon, we will be
facing earth's last battle. Damascus is one of the oldest cities of
antiquity, next to Jericho. And although we've had more than enough
bible stories and historical evidence over time; reminding us that no
matter how long it takes, every single prophecy does take place exactly
as God declared it would.
We also know it's no secret, the people of Israel
have always been a disobedient people. In fact, God called them a
stiffed neck people. (Exodus 32:9). And after centuries of rebellion and
apostasy and following the exist of Messiah, some forty (40) years
later in 70 AD, God permitted the Romans (a very mixed army of Arabs,
Turks etc) to temporarily disburse His people from their land during a
period of punishment. The land of Israel was to remain relatively sparse
of population — “desolate of man and beast.” Jeremiah 16:13-18;
Jeremiah 33:10. After the period of punishment was met, Jews were
miraculously permitted to return to their land. This came about when the
UN partition vote granted them the opportunity to establish an
independent state in 1948. But there was an alleged "double promise"
made by the British that the land would be given to the returning Jews.
However; the British claimed they had never promised to give either side
"all" of the land.
The Arabs would have none of this. Some combined 50
million people strong and the armies of six Arab nations stormed the
newborn Israeli State. Outnumbered 600 to 1, God gave the victory to
Israel. Four more wars followed since. Miracles happened Israel won each
war. Will this Gaza invasion be one of those? Why?
And why are we so conflicted especially as
Christians about Israel's right to defend itself? When the same God who
prophesies against Gaza, Damascus said Jerusalem would be a "Cup of
Indeed she has been and is, hasn't she? In fact
Jerusalem the world's most prime real estate and is the one and only
city that brings all three main religions to their knees, literally.
So much so that blood has been shed, will be shed, is
shedding for Israel to protect and for the radicals Islamists to conquer Jerusalem. The enormity of that
burden is Israel's today, but the world is next.
As the Word declares, "I
will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of
Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf
of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among
the nations; and they have divided up My land. (Joel 3:2)
Why are the majority of believers who are familiar with Israel's biblical history so indifferent to Israel claims to the land?
When clearly God said He would bring them (Israel) into their land a second time never to be removed. Evidence of this http://www.openbible.info/labs/cross-references/search?q=Jeremiah+23%3A3
Also Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500
years ago that when the Jews would return to the land of their
forefathers (Jeremiah 31:8-17) the Lord would give them back the
language of their forefathers, the language they would use to bless the
Lord, (Jeremiah 31:23).
Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted
that the pure language of Hebrew would be revived in the last days.
(Zephaniah 3:9).
Friends! Israelis speaking
Hebrew today proves that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. That God has
not rejected Israel, yes He was angry at them because if their rejection
of His way. But Isaiah 12 also prophesies of their Salvation.
How can we not see this?
is this same God that declare the beginning to the end, therefore
Israel do not forget who or whose you are! Yeshua (Jesus), King of the
Jews died for you and you are no longer the outcast or underdogs.
Therefore as Gentile believers we ought to celebrate the cause of Zion!
For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8)
Zion is the name of Jerusalem. The cause of Zion (Jerusalem) is for this
city of God to remain undivided. That is the burden that all the
nations are trembling over, the whole earth is burdened and divided over
Israel's right to defend its borders now but it's really Jerusalem that
us the center of the storm.
The Muslims know this. The Jews knows this. The Catholic knows this. What say ye, my undecided Christian friends?
How long can you be of two opinions?
We must also note that Joel also informs us that the judgment will be
based on how the nations treated “My people and My inheritance, Israel”
and also on their having, “divided up My land.”
Are you for or against Jerusalem being divided?
Depending on your answer you might be an Anti-
Zionist after all. If so, could you ---you a Christian also be an
Anti-Semite without realizing it? How could that be?
unfortunately because of Replacement Theology we have within us a
faulty false flag, that once heist almost universally leads to the
disenfranchise not merely of the Jewish People, but of the prophetic
things regarding the Nation of Israel.
The Church must decide to side with God's
perspective on Israel and not man's rational. Where in the Church's
history can it be said they have been the ones scattered and regathered,
in any one particular land? When did the Church lose and then regained
its language after being regathered. No. This has only happened to one
specific nation under the sun. One people---one nation. The Jewish
people. This prophecy is exclusive to literal Israel. (Jeremiah 31:33) as stands to reason so are the others in all related context.
Revelation 11:8-9 is one key prophecy that confirms that the literal
city of Jerusalem (Israel's capital) will be the physical place that the
beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and
overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the
street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also their Lord was crucified." We cannot possibly in good
conscience read that text, and then say we don't know where Christ the
Messiah was crucified.
Jerusalem is that city, scientists and historians alike...Muslims---even atheists all agree on that fact.
more that, verse 9 "Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and
nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and
will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.…"Nor can we say
that verse 9 is symbolic and not literal when clearly it's tells us
that, "their dead bodies will not be permitted to be buried."
Again, all literal language. Specific location.
Specific time frame. This prophecy is exclusive to literal Israel. The
Church has not replaced Israel, and nor ever will. No wonder we have difficulties in understanding these prophecies and are unable to evangelize to new
believers. Because weirst need to believe before they can get others
to see. But there is hope for soon, very soon we are going to see that
we too have been looking through a glass fatherly dimly; which is no
differently from the Jews being partially blinded.
We need each other to finish this journey to
salvation. Why not start today by praying that our faulty thinking and
short-sightedness be speedily corrected?
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