Turkey goes to the polls to undoubtedly elect current Prime Minister Erdogan as Turkey first ever elected President. A move that is seen my many not scaling down his influence in Turkey's government but up scaling and establishing the new president's position as an authoritarian one. The office of president traditionally a cultural or official position has been up scale, to carry much more power than any former Prime Minister of Turkey. Think Putin and Russia. For Jews living in Turkey their voice or votes won't count or matter. Because they have learnt to keep their opinions to themselves. In fact, according to reports they change their names, and do not reveal their true identity out of fear of being targeted.
The last we found Jews changing their names and afraid to reveal their identity was just prior to the rise of Hitler and again post holocaust.
And while Erdogan has called Jews living in Turkey "brothers" he's also called those living in Israel something less "brotherly". Of course, the twenty plus thousand Jews living in #Turkey are not convinced or buying it. They dare not. How could they?! Erdogan has been criticized for shutting down twitter and YouTube preventing freedom of speech for his own people and then was slammed for his indifference and approval of one of his cabinet members who socked it to a mourner said to be Jewish. That memory still fresh from May of this year as Erdogan’s aide Yusuf Yerkel, who was photographed kicking a protester while being held on the ground by police.
Yerkel apparently launched the attack after the protester who was grief stricken by the lost of a loved from from mining disaster and kicked a car that was in the Prime Minister's convoy. The protester was being interrogated by two officers following the alleged incident when Yerkel, who was about to be driven away, ran over to him and kicked him three or four times, according to The Hurriyet Daily News.
It's been no secret that Turkey and Israel on again off again alliance has been a waning one, especially since the Mavi Marmara incident back in 2009. Only since this past year the two leaders reconciled when president Obama forced Netanyahu to apologize to Erdogan for the accidental death of the victims and accepted the terms for restitution by Israel to the families of soldiers killed during the incident.
But since that the former allies have been in muddy waters as Erdogan in no uncertain terms has lashed out against Israel for its stand against Hamas and compared Bibi's action to that of Hilter's. The Israeli Prime Minister fired back condemning Erdogan remarks in a phone conversation with Senator Kerry, stating that Erdogan’s recent remarks, accusing Israel of massacring Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and carrying out war crimes “worse than Hitler” were anti-Semitic, adding that they “desecrated the memory of the Holocaust.”
Concerned but confidently many Jews are making #Aaliyah (returning to Israel) even amidst the ongoing efforts to demilitarize #Gaza and the potentially escalating tension in with #ISIS who is backed by Turkey's Erdogan and threatens to invade and conquer Jerusalem.
But this election has been a very highly anticipated one just for the Turks, or even Erdogan himself, but also for many in some western Christians setting. As for them, Erdogan is the expected Antichrist and is believed to be behind both Hamas and ISIS agenda to eradicate Israel, for more reasons too numerous to mention. One of which might not seem as obvious enough. But behind the scenes the fact that Israel discovery of natural gas along key lines threatens Turkey's energy ambitions for the Middle East and beyond.
The Turks on the other hand have displayed much solidarity in their confidence
that both Turkey and Erdogan to set the precedence needed to reshape the politics and be a if not leading nation on the Middle East, and having its own caliphate. Will Erdogan be the man to bring about the reemergence of the Ottoman Empire? Is ISIS and Hamas is doing? If so watch out world! This is no ordinary election as it comes on the heels of the brightest and second super moon of Summer 2014. This in the first Tetrad of the Blood moons and just ahead of the Blood bath ISIS is threatening as they continue to massacre and behead even babies.
Any thoughts on this?
Do you think Erdogan is the Madhi or Antichrist?
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
The Gaza Crisis, Prime Ministers and Prophecies
"For Gaza will be abandoned. Woe to the inhabitants of the
seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against
you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you so that
there will be no inhabitant. So the seacoast will be pastures, with
caves for shepherds and folds for flocks. And the coast will be for the
remnant of the house of Judah, they will pasture on it. In the houses of
Ashkelon they will lie down at evening; For the LORD their God will
care for them and restore their fortune." (Zephaniah 2:4-7)
Arguably one could say that Gaza was "abandoned," by
the Jews on the account of Ariel Sharon's 2005 unilateral
disengagement. His withdrawal of all Israeli and soldiers from Gaza in
2005 was one of much controversy. However, he (Sharon) concluded that
Israel’s long-term security goals could best be met by their removal. In
doing so, he changed Israel’s political map and how Israel would need
to continually outmaneuver its enemies. Eight years later and in the
same year of his death Israel is facing her demons yet again.
But one can also see that in spite of that
withdrawal (eviction) of the Jewish people; Gaza is still not destroyed.
So this prophecy is yet to happen, and not just that Gaza is yet to be
completely destroyed; but nor is Gaza without inhabitants today. So
clearly this pertains to a future calamity that is directed at Gaza by
the very hand of The Almighty.
From the headlines it seems like Gaza, Ashkelon and Ashdod the just to name a few are on God's things to do list.
why is that? What can we make of this prophecy in light of what we are
witnessing today as Israel comes under scrutiny for invading Gaza's
When did these Gaza militants become such a thorn in the flesh for Israel? Well the short version of what led Israel here could be attributed to the 2005 placement of thousands of Jewish people many of them farmers.
Sharon, himself was a farmer and was especially fond
of his beloved farm. Ironically even He while he was being laid to rest
there, rockets rained and fired from Gaza. It often crossed my mind
what was he thinking? Why would he make such a decision and did he not
know of the prophecy regarding the fate of Gaza? Was he ever remotely
aware of the fate awaiting anyone that scattered God's people and
divided His land? We will never know.
What we know is that what happened is still seen by
some as the mistake of a millennium ---for Israelis and innocent
Palestinians, who are no doubt paying for it with their very lives.
Catch a glimpse of the details here.
While former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon foot it unilaterally in terms
of withdrawing from Gaza, the current Prime Minister Netanyahu, has been
determined to stand united with Israel but globally alone. One could
say that, "The hardest action to take as a leader, is the one that
prevents the bad thing," because you can never prove that you prevented
something worse." But while it could be heavily debated the Obama
administration was second guessing Netanyahu. Dare I suggest that Netanyahu dare not second guessed
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was also with Him. This was
self evident in his last United Nations speech, in with he declared
Israel would stand alone if she had to.
He's been anointed I think, for such a time as this,
and will see many more days (years) of war but also a witness of the so
called and highly expected "peace" agreement however; short lived. But
perhaps not before the impending Psalm 83 War though.
Recently, Iran called for a confederacy of Muslims
nations to form and destroy Israel and Psalm 83 prophesy just that. A
call from Muslims to all Muslims who have in no uncertain terms
vocalized in their hopes of wiping Israel off the map. This shouldn't
surprise us, but it does give me the chills to think, that like Gaza,
this Psalm 83 war was prophesied over 1900 years ago! We are living in
the generation that is seeing the unfolding of these prophecies friends.
If Psalm 83 is speaking of the plans to destroy the Nation of Israel
and the Jewish people it cannot be that the church has replaced Israel.
If not them, then we need to brace ourselves and get ready, for the
Muslims are coming!
if that was scary or impressive enough to be witnessing--- there is the
Isaiah 17 Prophecy Against Damascus Syria's capital.
Will the Islamic State that takes out Damascus, or will it be Israel?
Hey now!
These are prophecies that concerning key players in the Middle East.
What is the deal with that? Are you seeing a
pattern? Here we see yet another Islamic nation that God is clearly
calling our attention to pointing to its destruction.
four years and counting Damascus is standing but every so lightly these
days as wars and rumors if wars continues around the globe. Yet one
fateful night we will go to bed and awaken the next morning with to the
headlines, "Damascus is no more!" Or, "Damascus in Ruinous Heap!" Can
you just imagine how that will shake up believers and non-believers the
world over? And while it shouldn't surprise those that are aware of this
impending doom it never fails to ignite new hope that soon, we will be
facing earth's last battle. Damascus is one of the oldest cities of
antiquity, next to Jericho. And although we've had more than enough
bible stories and historical evidence over time; reminding us that no
matter how long it takes, every single prophecy does take place exactly
as God declared it would.
We also know it's no secret, the people of Israel
have always been a disobedient people. In fact, God called them a
stiffed neck people. (Exodus 32:9). And after centuries of rebellion and
apostasy and following the exist of Messiah, some forty (40) years
later in 70 AD, God permitted the Romans (a very mixed army of Arabs,
Turks etc) to temporarily disburse His people from their land during a
period of punishment. The land of Israel was to remain relatively sparse
of population — “desolate of man and beast.” Jeremiah 16:13-18;
Jeremiah 33:10. After the period of punishment was met, Jews were
miraculously permitted to return to their land. This came about when the
UN partition vote granted them the opportunity to establish an
independent state in 1948. But there was an alleged "double promise"
made by the British that the land would be given to the returning Jews.
However; the British claimed they had never promised to give either side
"all" of the land.
The Arabs would have none of this. Some combined 50
million people strong and the armies of six Arab nations stormed the
newborn Israeli State. Outnumbered 600 to 1, God gave the victory to
Israel. Four more wars followed since. Miracles happened Israel won each
war. Will this Gaza invasion be one of those? Why?
And why are we so conflicted especially as
Christians about Israel's right to defend itself? When the same God who
prophesies against Gaza, Damascus said Jerusalem would be a "Cup of
Indeed she has been and is, hasn't she? In fact
Jerusalem the world's most prime real estate and is the one and only
city that brings all three main religions to their knees, literally.
So much so that blood has been shed, will be shed, is
shedding for Israel to protect and for the radicals Islamists to conquer Jerusalem. The enormity of that
burden is Israel's today, but the world is next.
As the Word declares, "I
will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of
Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf
of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among
the nations; and they have divided up My land. (Joel 3:2)
Why are the majority of believers who are familiar with Israel's biblical history so indifferent to Israel claims to the land?
When clearly God said He would bring them (Israel) into their land a second time never to be removed. Evidence of this http://www.openbible.info/labs/cross-references/search?q=Jeremiah+23%3A3
Also Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500
years ago that when the Jews would return to the land of their
forefathers (Jeremiah 31:8-17) the Lord would give them back the
language of their forefathers, the language they would use to bless the
Lord, (Jeremiah 31:23).
Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted
that the pure language of Hebrew would be revived in the last days.
(Zephaniah 3:9).
Friends! Israelis speaking
Hebrew today proves that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. That God has
not rejected Israel, yes He was angry at them because if their rejection
of His way. But Isaiah 12 also prophesies of their Salvation.
How can we not see this?
is this same God that declare the beginning to the end, therefore
Israel do not forget who or whose you are! Yeshua (Jesus), King of the
Jews died for you and you are no longer the outcast or underdogs.
Therefore as Gentile believers we ought to celebrate the cause of Zion!
For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8)
Zion is the name of Jerusalem. The cause of Zion (Jerusalem) is for this
city of God to remain undivided. That is the burden that all the
nations are trembling over, the whole earth is burdened and divided over
Israel's right to defend its borders now but it's really Jerusalem that
us the center of the storm.
The Muslims know this. The Jews knows this. The Catholic knows this. What say ye, my undecided Christian friends?
How long can you be of two opinions?
We must also note that Joel also informs us that the judgment will be
based on how the nations treated “My people and My inheritance, Israel”
and also on their having, “divided up My land.”
Are you for or against Jerusalem being divided?
Depending on your answer you might be an Anti-
Zionist after all. If so, could you ---you a Christian also be an
Anti-Semite without realizing it? How could that be?
unfortunately because of Replacement Theology we have within us a
faulty false flag, that once heist almost universally leads to the
disenfranchise not merely of the Jewish People, but of the prophetic
things regarding the Nation of Israel.
The Church must decide to side with God's
perspective on Israel and not man's rational. Where in the Church's
history can it be said they have been the ones scattered and regathered,
in any one particular land? When did the Church lose and then regained
its language after being regathered. No. This has only happened to one
specific nation under the sun. One people---one nation. The Jewish
people. This prophecy is exclusive to literal Israel. (Jeremiah 31:33) as stands to reason so are the others in all related context.
Revelation 11:8-9 is one key prophecy that confirms that the literal
city of Jerusalem (Israel's capital) will be the physical place that the
beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and
overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the
street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also their Lord was crucified." We cannot possibly in good
conscience read that text, and then say we don't know where Christ the
Messiah was crucified.
Jerusalem is that city, scientists and historians alike...Muslims---even atheists all agree on that fact.
more that, verse 9 "Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and
nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and
will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.…"Nor can we say
that verse 9 is symbolic and not literal when clearly it's tells us
that, "their dead bodies will not be permitted to be buried."
Again, all literal language. Specific location.
Specific time frame. This prophecy is exclusive to literal Israel. The
Church has not replaced Israel, and nor ever will. No wonder we have difficulties in understanding these prophecies and are unable to evangelize to new
believers. Because weirst need to believe before they can get others
to see. But there is hope for soon, very soon we are going to see that
we too have been looking through a glass fatherly dimly; which is no
differently from the Jews being partially blinded.
We need each other to finish this journey to
salvation. Why not start today by praying that our faulty thinking and
short-sightedness be speedily corrected?
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Will the Real Ally please Stand
So often we hear and it's been regurgitated for generations that America was founded on Christian principles or values. This largely from those advocating both that America was indeed founded by bible-believing Christians and based on Christian principles.
But is that really the truth? The fact is that America was indeed founded on freedom of religion; but that doesn't mean it was on Christian principles. Frankly none of the founding fathers were Christians, they were Deists. They believe in the existence of God. But how can we be sure it's the One and only true God Yahweh? And yet ironically the constitution both contradicts and supports itself in this regard as it states, " "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." Article 6 section 3.
If this is so, then America has had a loophole from its foundation to give rise and power to just about any religious body. This would also be again a loophole for any elected person to the office of presidency to be as instrumental as possible in accommodating whatever ideology under the mask of, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." Article 6 section 3.
But after some 238 years where does America stand ethically religiously?
Well according to a 2013 study by Gallup, " Gallup classifies Americans as very religious if they say religion is an important part of their daily lives and that they attend religious services every week or almost every week. More than four in 10 Americans nationwide (41%) fit this classification in 2013. Twenty-nine percent of Americans were nonreligious, saying religion is not an important part of their daily lives and that they seldom or never attend religious services. The remaining 29% were moderately religious, saying religion is important in their lives but that they do not attend services regularly, or that religion is not important but that they still attend services."
That means 4 out of 10 American considers religion important enough to their lives as it relates to weekly services. But going to church services although it's important doesn't necessarily reflect where, they are as committed Christians or where they would sit as it relates to Religious freedom rights. In fact, I like to respectfully suggest it would be helpful if Gallup would help us get a clearer picture of the percentage that is committed to not just religion as an ideology but to see, "What percentage of Americans are actively engaged in Religious Liberty activities?" And, "What are the denominations and demographics with that 41%?
If this could be further clarified it might help us to better identify the truth behind these numbers; that the reality is, if America is to yet wake up Spiritually the burden lies within a much merger margin than the 41% that is reflected here based on Gallup, and at best are service related Christianity. That there might be informed Christians, who care; but dont care to get actively involved in the political aspect of their religion, may yet be our biggest defeat. Like I said before, "If we don't do something when we can, we will live in fear and die in regret." To watch and pray is not enough friends. Because, we pray doesn't negate our need to be "present." Look! the enemy and false religions like Islam is attempting to increase its dominance and presence. So, can we say this is about determination of our numbers? Or that numbers should will affect our determination?
Let's say this is what we look like in numbers, (basically >41% depending on participation) we can do one of two things:-
1. Ignore: Keep doing what we are doing (saying and believing we are religious) that we are a religious tolerant nation, that supports separation of church and state. But do no further than say and believe is leaving us in a very vulnerable place - as a people and as dormant Christians.
2. Equip: Get to the core of Americans that are really and actively committed to standing and fighting not just for freedom of religion. Because that is every ideologist fight. No, to fight (educationally, emotionally, spiritually, economically and yes physically if forced to); against the suppression and oppression of Jews and Christians who are being forced or kill to submit to a deity. Like America other countries is of the belief that their countries was founded on some religious mandate. That inspires them to go above and beyond, fanatics really. And we as Christians stand by and are in awe of the damage they have done and fear what they may do to us. Yet, it is our God given right to stand against the plans of any and every false ideology that points away from God the Father of Yesuha (the Messiah Christ); God the Creator. God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! The One true God of Heaven and Earth. Who quickens our spirit to have holy boldness and speak up before kings and kingsdoms. It is our God given right to stand for ourselves. But if we can't stand for our own cause, no wonder we are divided as Christians in our stand for Israel.
Today some of us are busy planning, building houses, picking from our gardens, and just doing whatever makes our life meaningful and beautiful in our world. Yet in someone else's world, millions in fact, Christians are being slaundered and strip of their lives. They are being trivialized as bags of bones and carnage. Those that are spared are being traumatized by the neglect of---get this, not themajority---but the handful that could make the difference.
You read that right. It's the minority that has often, if not always makes the difference. That one lone voice. That small prayer group. That tiny little chapel or congregation. That one man. That one woman. That one child.
That one child like this that is taught from as early as age 5 to kill all infidels. Confession of a son here of such training http://youtu.be/KakxXN5Z-XI
See and note the comparison of the chaos in the Middle East. It's due in part because of a leader of one small group of Jihadist. Each one ignites the next small group and so on. For they serve a god of war, who wants to annihilate one little nation. Israel. One little piece of land. Why because of One promise. Israel is fighting the fight Americans need to be fighting. Israel, a nation that reflects what God has done, can do and is doing with the least and smallest of "underdogs."
But America with all it's divided interest and religious thoughts of itself is standing aloft speaking but not doing---at least not as much as we truly can. God bless the few that have been bold and brave to speak up, rise up and to inspire hope, not groomed to do so but have been anointed and appointed years ago, for such a time as this.
What we do know that is both historical fact and biblical truth, is that God gave Israel the land as far back as Genesis began. See here. http://www.torahresourcesinternational.info/pdf/2PL.pdf
Nevertheless while America is facing it's our division regarding the our ongoing border invasion. Israel cannot afford to divide its land for peace any longer. In fact they never should have given up any fraction of it.
Rise up America. Stand firm Israel! Even if we will be treated and hacked and killed like dogs by dogs such dogs themselves. We are the majority in power with God, one determined and dedicated handful who have decided not to lie down and die ---but to stand ---to rise for what is righteous and right.
Eradicating Lies - Empowering Truth
Since Israel began Operation Protective Edge, I've never
seen such a biased barrage of slanderous media-generated rhetoric against
Israel. In fact I've never seen it against any other country great or small.
This while some corporations and countries are openly unashamed of their
support of a united government deep in moral corruption and ethical crimes get
more favorable media headlines.
It's incredible to see,
how even some of these same media bodies that covered 911 had no fear,
called attacks made on America by its rightful name---terrorism. Regardless of
which side of the political fence that, that media sat or stood. It was
unanimously agreed that; that acts of such and that any similar acts were
nothing short of terrorism. Even if they
hated us and they do and even if they celebrated our pain and they do. They had
no choice but to call it by its rightful name. But America land of the free and
brave were united on all fronts, agreed we would fight this notorious act
against our Sovereign nation, inside job, conspiracy theory or not. Many organizations were born out of this
commitment, such as ACT! For America.
Yet the propaganda monsters that continue to fuel their
savage appetites and agenda setting against Israel, by releasing manipulated
photos and reports of Israeli forces murdering by the masses innocent women and
children is more ridiculous than sickening.
Reports that fail miserably to acknowledge that Israel is the only
Country in the free World that employs the "knock on roof/door"
policy. A policy implemented to lessen civilian casualties. A policy based on
the value and worth of the human life. A
value that Israel can no doubt empathize with, due in part to its own escape
from the claws of annihilation which is a different kind of death. A death
conspiracy -- a war crime brought to life by those who lived to kill. Should we
try to deny History, we would be betrayed by countless records and footage
(some live) of lifeless-dry bones of millions of dead innocent Polish, Russian
German Jews. Lives taken as if they were rotten fruits left for the birds to
consume. While pious humanity turned its head.
Have we not learnt from the ghosts of our past? That
memories, don't live like people do? They always stay with you.
It's painful enough to be caught between a rock and a hard
place, to give up your life for your people and freedom you might never live to
part take. But it's even more painful when those you are dying to save though
not your own, blames and continues to blame while soliciting others to join in
and do the same.
It's often said, "If Israel were to lay down its arms,
there would be no more Israel." I'd like to respectfully disagree. That if
Israel were iron dome-free and lay down its arms, there would be no more need
for Israel to worry for its defense. For the God of Abraham Jacob and Isaac
would and will fight and is fighting on her behalf and in her stead! The Battle
is not yours. Oh my dear Israel. It's The Lord!

Certainly, if possible Israel would desire that all
civilians be saved as much as humanly possible, in such circumstances. But in
war ...there are no real winners, you either survive or you don't. Both
Palestinians and Israelis are affected and are dying. We grieve, I mourn with
that heartbreaking fact. That both sides are hurting as reported by the
respective media, that much remains the truth and is a fact. In no way would or should we ever
underestimate or trivialize this.
But of course the
propaganda problem doesn't lie so much anymore with just these media monsters,
acknowledging the deaths but not the perpetrators. The solution rests with each
of us...with you. You a person of not
just incredible intellect but in good conscience, I believe every person have
been touched by a cause that causes them to choose sides, for the simply reason
---that it's not like those other cases where one can clearly side with the
slogan, "two wrongs don't make right." It cannot possibly be right
that all sovereign nations on the face of the planet have the right to defend
themselves, except Israel.
Sadly gone are the days when respectful and accurate
journalism governed media. And media houses didn't just want to be the first
breaking the news, but broke their backs, getting the breaking news right. Long
gone are those moral rules that governed not just our media but our minds, and
committed to the facts, getting to the bottom of the truth regardless. For
those who can relate to the television series "Matlock" or
"Murder She Wrote". Such TV classics; modeled those moral principles
and was governed by a writers script that reflected a generation of truth
lovers and justice seekers.
Today however; my
attention and challenge is not just to the media but to the average global
citizen; who I believe must decide to commit to hold themselves and each other
accountable, to what they will or will not propagate for the sheer act of it.
And while it's this same media, that I'm using to communicate to you, that this
must not go unchallenged or unchecked. We ---together can undo or at least
minimize some of the damage these false media frenzy reports have generated. We
will not be governed by this mentality that, "even bad publicity is good
It's you my dear friends
that hold the power of truth in your sphere of influence. But you cannot break
that rule of engagement, by choosing blindly to believe a lie and label it as
Truth. If you are not committed to listening to, and also observing which of
the two sides, live up to what they say and do. Which side empowers its people
to rise up for good and stand against evil and injustice? Which side is more
cautious and careful in how their action are perceived, and is willing to go
above and beyond to modify its tactics not increase its antics?
In matters of conscience we must uphold and support the side that holds to and adhere to the actions that support moral human rights, mercy, justice and yes truth and freedom of choice---to defend itself. Millions of Gaza residents are aware of whom the real enemy is and it's not ---Israel. We must do whatever we can do, to recover whatever little moral compass we have starting this day. For by doing so we are in effect doing one of two (2) things, if not more. We are either:-
1. Empowering Truth/Eradicating
2. Eradicating Truth/Empowering Lies
By contrast by empowering truth, lies will be eradicated. By
eradicating lies, Truth prevails. However, "Your truth", cannot be
just about preference. But I would prefer to see the lies of Hamas destroyed,
and the truth about Israel lives. This preference makes the difference. Because
you, the decision maker must unequivocally decide to be the emissary of change;
the envoy of truth and justice and the beacon of light.
Someone wise once said that the absence of light is what we
call darkness. Well "What do you call media reports that are void of facts
and truths?" And even if there are tons of facts inoculated with just a
slight blurring and blending, it's not void of lies thus voids credibility.
Remember Salem?! Salem means peace. In Hebrew that's Shalom.
It embodies meanings of peace and to be whole. Yet in an uproar that tore to
pieces in a small village of Massachusetts, thousands of innocent women were
label witches because people, even close friends and families were cowards. Yet
loved ones and neighbors refused to speak up refused to stand up for what is
right, honorable and true. But many of these women remain silent to death
despite their innocence while their accusers accused and yelled, calling for
their deaths. What a contrast. Some of
you might not be familiar with the story of Salem. But today around world
anti-Semite chants and calls are being made by Israel's accusers.
History however, has a record for us lest we chose to forget,
the consequences of those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat
it. No country or people have been able to escape this reality, as many nations
and countries over a lifetime and during key centuries have faced some
atrocities that stood larger than life and threaten to destroy their
sovereignty. Unfortunately as a result of a self-inflicted muted and blinded
society, who feared death more than they loved life? Who loved war more than
they longed for peace? Who speak more “lies than truth?” Who demanded to be
revered and respected even while they commit themselves to the destruction of
another, the innocent are killed. Who denies their own peoples' right to
survive by men ...grown men hiding behind their mothers’ skirts? To think, men
hiding behind the women and children to preserve self; how low and coward can
one get? But those who fight with dignity will never be defeated.
Rich or poor---If you
are of African descent you know what that meant for your survival and very
continued existence.
Rich or poor---If you are of Asian or Oriental ancestry you
know what that means in preserving your sovereignty, dynasty, imperialism.
Rich or poor--- If you are Amish, Native American or
Abornese or Navajo native you know what lengths you have gone to preserve your
unique cultural identity your people-- your land.
Rich or poor---If you are of Caucasian lineage you know the
risks and altitude you'd be stirred to take, to conquer and defend your
Rich or poor ----If you are a born again believer regardless
of your denomination you know what sacrifices and challenges you've faced to
stand firm; courageous and uncompromising in your faith.
Rich or poor ----If you are a born again believer you know
what that means for your faith in earth's coming last days
Rich or poor---if you are reading or listening to this you
have gone through something in your life personally or professionally ---spiritually
that you've had to commit to choose, to preserve your sanity and peace even
while knowing you might stand alone. Even while knowing you will be ostracized
by others---even those you love or say they love you. But you'd do it again,
because it was the right and honorable thing to do.
That doesn't mean
there won't be conflict and consequences but instead; what it could mean is
that---If you refuse to not do something while you can---you will either live
in fear or die ---in regret.
African men women and
children were sold into slavery and treated like savage animals by savaged
barbaric animals. Women all over the world have been and are abused abducted
and raped, traded and offered up as sex slaves to support the carnage industry
of human souls and bones.
And where do you fit
into all of this?
You...you--- it is you who must decide to be the emissary of
change; the envoy of justice and the beacon of light. You. It you who must be
the eyes of the blind. The ears of the deaf. The mouth of the muted. The feet of the lame. The face of the names
of those who like you fought without fear. The victor for the victims long gone
but not forgotten. The heart of the heartless. And the purpose of the cause.
You. You. And yes even you.
What truth did you speak, today? What truth have you shared today? What truths
have fought for today?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Does God choose sides in a War?
Sure we've heard of stories that causes us to quickly dismiss either by shrugging off, eyes rolling, draw dropping, eye mincing skepticism. Its that kind of different news or rumor. But some, you must admit is nothing short of dumbfounding that you jihadists are admitting to this!
What I would like to know is, "Do you believe this report?" "Do you think God chooses sides?" "Does God have a stake in this war?" Afterall, isn't God a God of Peace and Love and all that is good?
Before we go there though, I must share with you this very relevant question, after a recent Pro-rally facebook post I made a very close friend of mine, ask me..."But what about the Palestians though? My heart aches for both sides."
In a nutshell, I explained my position as to why its wasn't difficult for me to take on Stand with Israel; as Israel has no choice but to defend herself as any Sovereign State would and should.
But does God choose sides in a war?
Let's look at each one and see what is God's position on any war that threatens Israel as a Nation, or the Jewish people's identity.
The first question really is irrelevant. For most if not all believers in Christ, its very likely that by faith they would agree that its not impossible nor that it would surprise them. Not so much because its the Nation of Israel per se, either. But because in their own personal walk of faith, they too have experience what the average non-believer would call non-sense or irrational. 1 Corithians 1:27
The second question, however, is where both my friend and many of us would struggle to be politically correct. Because as a core value we know and for most part believe I'd think, that God is a just God. 2 Thessalonians 1:6.
Although its more complex that this text in 2 Thessalonians. The implication is there and suggests that if God is just then is He for justice. Now justice is not about what looks right or even feels wrong. For justice to be achieved there might even seem to be choas. Ultimately, though it's what vindicates the one that is in the right or rightstanding with God's will and purpose. That means, we should not limited our view of the (choas) mess. Despite the mess; look at the Message the Sender of that Message is sending.
To bring that closer to home, let's look at the wars fought and won by Ancient Israel. One example is a very well known story of Joshua. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still. God honored Joshua's request. Why?
Well maybe that answer lies in part , that it was God's will to fulfill His promise in and though Joshua a foreshawdower of Messiah. Interesting that the first official war was that of conquering Jericho. The very first victory and miracle as a Nation Under Fire was over Jericho. And it might get you thinking why Jericho? OR better yet, "Where is Jericho today?'
Jericho is the oldest city in Israel (possibly the most Anciet still in existence, followed by Damascus) and is located West Bank. The Hezbollah regime (rivals of Hamas regime) has settled and operated attacks towards Israel from there. Today Hezbollah is backing the Palestinian "resistance" in Gaza to try defeat Israel. So Jericho that was important enough for God to have Israel conquer as its first "land and capital of the Israelites." I'd say that God chooses side. It ironic that Jericho today is under Palestinian control. So God is also not a bully. Because if He was, Jericho could not have changed hands from the side of His people to the hands of the enemy. It means, the is a message in the mess despite the choas.
In fact, while Joshua was fighting in the midst of it, Moses hands were lifted up and when they would be down, they (Israelites) would loose. Moses, hands was not the omen of good or evil. It represented the will of God. What was the will of God? In Duetoronomy 31 Moses prophecied over Israel and Joshua even before Jericho was to be captured.
That lead us to answering the third question, "Does God have a stake this war?"
If we should take the prophecy of Moses as literal, and if history confirms that Jericho was indeed captured by ancient Israel, then I'd like to suggest that, God does have a stake in this war. I'd like to go future and say its not about who's right or wrong, or who agrees or don't. It really boils down to one, and only one fact that trumps all. That God is more determined to save Israel that Israel is determine to save itself.
See for yourself, first hand...in Zephaniah 2:4. This is a prophecy for our time. Gaza like Jericho was a part of the orignal estate given to ancient Israel.His promises are irrevocable. Romans 11. See the headlines today of the people of Gaza spoken of here in Zephaniah. See and remember it is the same God that defended and defeated the enemies of Israel. Why because His promise seed is from and within His covenant forever.
So there are three main cities that is in existence today (Jerusalem, Damascus, and Gaza) that has been prophesied over but those prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. Will this be the war that will bring about those prophecies? Will we be the generation that will behold these amazing battles and victories.
Finally, do you think that when these prophecies are fulfilled the Jewish Nation of Israel will have time to debate about who said what? Zechariah also prophesied about their reactions, and its exciting! Take a moment and read it for yourself. Zechariah 2:4 also Jeremiah 47:5
I've a code red alert in my Bible that prophecy thousands of years ago before this war that Ashkelon, Ashdod and Gaza will be abandoned.
Yet another reason to add, that God does have a stake in any war that involves Israel as a Nation, and the Jewish identity.If so, we are to be mindful that if God takes up a cause against those that are against His plan and purpose, we don't need to agree. Because our opinions doesn't count.
Whether or not you believe that god would take sides in a war or side against innocent Palestinians. Please bear in mind this war is not against innocent civilians --- it's against radical Islamists that are set on the destruction of God's inheritance and apple of His eye.
But what's amazing to see is that militants of Islam admitting to what could be an apostasy in their religion. By admitting Israel's God out ranks their god.
In another online article by Arutz Sheva headlines it seems for most part (maybe not so much by ultra Orthodox Jews) such miraculous statement is not a thing of the past. As they reflect on how far they have come whilst upon against all odds:-
"The Jewish nation’s existence for six millennia is a miracle. There is no single Jewish life without a miracle. Miracle is an essential part of our belief; it is a gem of Jewish folklore. It is a source of our hope in the dark, and it is a gift of our dreams. And we know why – because these miracles are true."
What would be even more amazing beyond these headlines, is if devout Islamists can see the miracle and confess in awe the power of Israel's God; that unconverted Israelis and our devout Jewish friends come to the knowledge of Yeshuva.
And we continue to pray that even now they are.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Gas Talking Turkey - What that sounds like for Israel
Less than a month away from the first round of the 2014 presidential elections, the three candidates that have now confirmed their candidatures are former co-leader of the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, (BDP); Selahattin Demirtas, and the 71-year old Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the former head of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and joint-candidate of the two major opposition parties – the CHP (or the Republican People’s Party) and the MHP (or the Nationalist
Movement Party). Of course the current acting Prime Minister and expected winner Recep Tayyip ---leader of the party in government, AKP (or Justice and Development Party).All eyes are expected to be on Turkey as the weight of the Middle East is expected to shift as what will no doubt be the question: What will be the next president's role of Turkey in light of gas and energy and trade expansions? Why would this matter? Well, according to Turkey sources, "2014 marks the year that energy investments takes off in Turkey since the foundations of the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) were laid and the construction of the third airport in Istanbul and major infrastructure projects in many parts of the Anatolia will follow through. These investments will have multiplier effect and pull down the unemployment in a speedy manner. Also, the investments and gas exploration activities of Turkey and Turkish petroleum companies in northern Iraq continues. Right now, Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) continues to carry out its exploration and drilling activities for petroleum and natural gas in Iraq and the Mediterranean Sea. And, Turkey will also begin exporting the petroleum as a result of agreement with Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) by transporting it via Ceyhan pipeline. This way, Turkey activates major investments that will lessen the energy imports which is one of the biggest problems of the country’s foreign trade deficit, resolving the issue in the medium term". (Turkeyadgenda.com)
It's no secret that the two countries on again off again tango has been strained and widening as Israel defense Protective Edge lingers indefinitely. In fact, PM Netanyahu has changed his stance from a possibly few days invasion prior to escalation and Hamas rejection of Egypt's cease fire agreement; now its a until the target is met response. Erdagon has been sending torched tongue comments comparing the Israeli operation as that of Hitler's. Go figure.
But what's not seen or spoken of is the passive aggressive behavior that will no doubt be ensued to target Israel, in a number of ways even while she is busy defending her borders. While all eyes are on Turkey's elections, Turkey's eyes Israel. Could it be that Turkey is worried that Israel will repossess Gaza? And rightly so. As history has proven from similar wars that occur around the Blood moons Tetrads that falls on The Feast Days; that Israel has always expanded or reclaim her land. This connection was made by Mark Biltz the man who discovered the astronomical relationship behind the prophecy of heavenly signs and when they intersect.”
It would seem from the look of things that the threat is real, since Israel struck the gas line jackpot. In May of 2010, the U.S. Geological Service, part of the Department of the Interior, affirmed these results. They predicted that the Levant Basin Province, located between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Cyprus, contains 122 tcf of natural gas and 1.7 billion barrels of oil. The Nile Basin, north of Egypt, was thought to contain even more. Such numbers showed the Eastern Mediterranean as holding “world-class potential for undiscovered natural gas resources” as Brenda Pierce, the USGS Energy Resources Program Coordinator put it. “Israel was the land of milk and honey in Biblical times,” stated Charles Davidson, the CEO of Noble Energy, in his 2010 press conference announcing the Leviathan field, “but in the modern era, its milk and honey and natural gas. In Israel’s deep waters, in virgin territory, a monster natural gas discovery has been made." Of course enthroned squarely in the middle on this monstrous leviathan is Turkey. The bride pipe king.
But any hope that this gas would be the ties that binds is not so strong nor promising. According to one Turkish official "The Turks realize that if this gas project is implemented without their involvement, they will not be a game-player in Middle East."
If so could it be that Turkey will face serious energy concerns that would shatter Turkey's hope of its country's trade deficit and exponentially more. Any future peace talks along these lines though is going have to wait until, like Israel PM Netanyahu says all cease fire from Gaza is stopped and ground invasion will continue until target is met.
In the meantime lets take look at what if anything the Bible says of prophecies regarding Israel's gas discovery. In Isaiah 45:3 promises declared seems to be a dual prophecy as it's written, "I will give you treasures hoarded in the dark, secret riches hidden away, so that you will know that I, ADONAI, calling you by your name, am the God of Israel." Could those treasures hoarded in the dark and secret riches be speaking of crude oil and gas?
Could it be that Israel holds riches that would further enable them to be a brighter light to the Nations in the areas G-d has already given, spiritually economically, financially and politically? If so, if followed and prescribed even as Joseph arrived to great heights of power without compromise. Could it be there would be no need for Israel to be entangled in any agreement that would cause them to place their trust in world leaders promising fragile hopes and false peace?
And look even deeper what's really at stake and how will that create a deeper tension or desperate need for some kind of agreement between the two or with a league of Arab nations to try and cap and contain Israel's burning flame.
San Diego stands with Israel
As the news that more Israeli soldiers is giving up their last breathe and blood in exchange for peace and freedom, San Diego's Jewish Federation and Community stands seamlessly together in one accord---Israel wants peace. At the Doyle park hundreds turned out to support Israel. The crowd boast ages of all kind encircled with family and pets dressed in shades of blue and white. The sobering moment came as the names and memories of the fallen is reminded and whispered through a few broken smiles. The framed faces of little ones looked up, while hushed voices seem to carry each Israeli flag flown swelled from a gentle steady wind. Then the sound of thunder crackled briefly and just as quickly died. In that moment I thought ...Am Yisrael chai.
The rally began on time with most supporters confidently waving Israeli and a few American flags, including a Brazilian flag that stood out like a happy sore thumb swayed. A handful of Palestinians were present with their own flags and placards. San Diego chief Zimmerman brags of San Diego Police commitment in being the best police department and pledges its support to protect supporters as they stand with Israel. The crowd heard more encouraging remarks in their stand from State Sen. Marty Block and US representatives Scott Peters and Susan Davis. "America stands with Israel both in words and action" says State Sen. Block. One story that was told by a Egyptian who lived in Israel but now resides in San Diego, how he became a lover of Israel and her people because of their value for human beings and life.
The war in its 13th day is the most deadliest day yet, but the rally unlike the others across the nation and international lines, was an event free and went over smoothly and peacefully.
Just over an hour and the rally ends beautifully with songs of joy and hope and love for home. Families friends and strangers joined hands and hearts in harmony that only those whom have known the rewards, that comes from pain and agony could truly appreciate. A day of salutation, hope laughters and cheers ended with some silent tears. I was tempted to yell, see you next year in Jerusalem! But refrained myself.
Now the challenge remains to see, how long will we need to gather and risk our lives for those whose lives are at risk, so no more at risk lives are lived?
The rally began on time with most supporters confidently waving Israeli and a few American flags, including a Brazilian flag that stood out like a happy sore thumb swayed. A handful of Palestinians were present with their own flags and placards. San Diego chief Zimmerman brags of San Diego Police commitment in being the best police department and pledges its support to protect supporters as they stand with Israel. The crowd heard more encouraging remarks in their stand from State Sen. Marty Block and US representatives Scott Peters and Susan Davis. "America stands with Israel both in words and action" says State Sen. Block. One story that was told by a Egyptian who lived in Israel but now resides in San Diego, how he became a lover of Israel and her people because of their value for human beings and life.
The war in its 13th day is the most deadliest day yet, but the rally unlike the others across the nation and international lines, was an event free and went over smoothly and peacefully.
Just over an hour and the rally ends beautifully with songs of joy and hope and love for home. Families friends and strangers joined hands and hearts in harmony that only those whom have known the rewards, that comes from pain and agony could truly appreciate. A day of salutation, hope laughters and cheers ended with some silent tears. I was tempted to yell, see you next year in Jerusalem! But refrained myself.
Now the challenge remains to see, how long will we need to gather and risk our lives for those whose lives are at risk, so no more at risk lives are lived?
What's driving Hamas to take on Israel?
Some weeks ago according to Palestinian Media Watch, Fatah’s official facebook page declared, “Sons of Zion, this is an oath to the Lords in Heaven: prepare all of the bags that you can for your body parts. We wish for the blood to become rivers. This same Fatah is joined at the hip with former rival Hamas. The have more in common than they don't. But one key difference is Hamas doesn't particularly care about having a Palestinian State. It wants to destroy the Jewish State and is willing to die in the process.
“Back in 2012, Hamas was very badly damaged by the Israeli Defense Forces but since then, they have significantly been re-equipped by Iran and also by weapons from Syria.” In fact, Hamas has long depended on the Iranian-Syrian axis for arms, training and funding; none of this would be possible without extensive funding from Iran. But what's in it for Iran? Well Iran seeks to advance its Islamic Revolution mission throughout the Middle East. Therefore, Iran support any local groups willing to wage proxy wars with Israel. Because Iran's short term and long term goal is to wipe Israel of the earth. If this sounds familiar see Psalm 83:4
Why it's that? Some might ask. Well I'd like to suggest at face value one of the possible reasons (although there is a growing list); that it's because most of the Muslim world would rather die than accommodate modernity. Israel represents that modernity as it's the only democratic country in the entire Middle East. It's the only country that honors the rights of women as it does men. It's the only country in that region, that supports freedom of religion. It's only country that treats with respect and aids it's enemies, in spite being viciously attacked by the very people they are seeking to help. Its the only country that uses its weapons to protect its children; not its children to protect its weapons. It's the only country that against the odds of being scattered and left for dead is not shattered. Instead Am.Yisrael.Chai!!!
Never before in the history of the region have so many young men with so little hope, so few communal ties, senselessly slaughtering even other Muslims to advance their cause . Take for example Syria. The last four (4) years left a third of Syria's population displaced and several million expelled many of whom are our Christians brothers and sisters. Thousands left behind feeding on dead animals including family's pets, rats cats, dogs ---diseases. Since then whole region has become one big refugee crisis.
Now the seemingly spontaneous emergence of jihadists armies like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) now Islamic State or Caliphate...rampaging through northern Mesopotamia threatening to now invade Israel after it's blood thirty jihadists conquers and kills from its trenches the so called infidels from with. Their apparent goal to redraw the Ancient Assyrian map of the Middle East and re establish an Islamic Caliphate...vowing that nothing, or no one will stand in their ways.
Make no mistake about it, they are determined and ready to die trying.
Make no mistake about it, any man or woman that is unsettled in his or her opinion is unstable in their ways and cannot be trusted. It's really that simply.
Many of you have asked me why I care so much about Israel and I cannot say I have a good answer of my own. But some wise person once said, "you cannot say you love the G-d of Israel and not love Israel." You truly cannot say in good conscience you love Yeshua a Jew, and not be proud to be Jew lovers. The fact of the matter is it was indeed written in three (3) main languages, should there be any confusion who He was and To Whom He Belonged even in death.
Sweet Friends, some of you asked me to give you a brief summary on what's going on with this current war. Well I'm no expert but welcome the privilege to help eradicate and educate as best as I can in the little I've come to learn. I share a small take on the backdrop---politically. Yes yes I know some of you have also shared your insight that it's no different; because there's a war every couple of years. I beg to differ, respectfully:)
Instead as always I encourage you to pray without ceasing, for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for wisdom on how to pray for the region. Pray for the unsaved and uncommitted. Pray that you will remain to them ---an infidel. Pray for me as I step out in faith and stand with Israel. I hope you will do like wise. Go raise your voice. #longliveisrael
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