Monday, October 7, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Cut that baby in half!!!
Are you familiar with this story?
1 Kings 3:16-28. Two women that were harlots
lived in the same house and both had an infant son. Each claimed
that the other had exchanged, the other's dead son for her living child. Of
course, the other woman denied this and so both women continued back and forth
before the King, claiming to be the mother of the living son and said that the
dead boy belonged to the other.
After some deliberation, King Solomon called for a sword
to be brought before him. He commanded that the surviving son be split in two,
each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the
boy's true mother cried out, "Oh Lord, give the baby to her, just don't
kill him!" But the other woman in her bitter jealousy,
exclaimed, "It shall be neither mine nor yours...divide it!"
At this response, the king declared the woman who wished
to spare the baby and that no harm be done to the living child as the true
mother. As a result King Solomon's judgment became known throughout all
of Israel and was considered an example of profound wisdom!
Today, the world struggles to figure out how to divide in
the indivisible without killing it. But there is no way to divide the indivisible
and it remain a whole, that indivisible is the land of Israel; the most fought
over and most prime real estate known to mankind. Nevertheless, despite
Israel's great misrepresentation of God's Holy Name, God is intentional about
fulfilling this promise to vindicate His Name even while Israel entertains the
idea with its enemies to divide Jerusalem further. The very portion that King
David, Solomon's father had purchased and named in honor of God. A location
dedicated to God Himself, by this King who prophesied over Jerusalem even
through his son's leadership and wisdom. The decision to give the true mother
the child was not based on the Kings biased opinion, but was influenced by the
harlot that demanded - divide it!
What nations
are siding to divide the land of Israel? What economy is being threathened to crashed at best halted? Is this
coincidence? Time will tell. For God is not slack concerning His promises. What
He says He will do is already done.
I will leave you with yet another glimpse of God's
intentionality as seen through the eyes of Ezekiel 36:21-23. "...But I had
concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the
nations wherever they went. 22 “Therefore say to the house of
Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s
sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went. 23 And
I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which
you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord,” says the Lord God,
“when I am hallowed in you before their eyes.
Some have arrogantly or ignorantly claimed that Israel or
that Jerusalem in particular would never exist as city after its destruction in
Yet, Ezekiel is among many of Israel's prophets that God
used to echo His intention to restore Israel as a nation and Jerusalem as His
Capital forever. That means those calling or negotiating for it to be divided, or even destroyed will be on the other side of the fence - in every sense.
Where you sit on that fence will determine where you will
stand, with the sheep or with the goats. The looming situations surrounding the
state of Israel demand that we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, like we never
have before. Psalm 122:6.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
God's GPS not your average Farmers Almanac, Garmin or Tom Tom...but it sure works!
As we close off with the last day of the week of the Feast of Tabernacles, there is still so much to learn and discuss on God's Positioning System, the Feasts.
As an overview, let's take a brief moment and look at the three remaining Fall Feasts (Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles). To begin, The Feast of Trumpets observed on the first day of the seventh month, (i.e Tishri 1) is extremely important for those who might want to return to God. Well, we know that through the Blood of Christ we are redeemed, but remember the feasts are not to be set aside as fulfilled and thus made void. Christ fulfilled the requirement of the Law. But these pattern of things to come is to be kept forever even through eternity. Best understood, the yet to be fulfilled fall feast days are ordinances set as roadmaps, that guides us, the same way a g.p.s does while preparing us for His seconding coming. Friends, for us today this should be most imperative, we should be on the look out and be watchful every day because both the feasts days and the heavenly signs are often connected.
Now, the first day of every month began with the blowing of trumpets. However, the reason why the blowing of trumpets on the first day of the seventh month is especially important; is because in this seventh month, the Day of Atonement was kept. It was in this month that the High Priest went before the ark of the covenant (Mercy Seat) on His people's behalf. It was the month of second chances. It's just before finalizing or getting the harvest ready for reaping. What a blessing and privilege God afforded us with?
Again, the Day of Atonement always precedes the Feast of Tabernacles by five days. The Day of Atonement (Tishri 10) is the day when the people of God were to search their hearts and consecrate themselves to the Lord in preparation for this solemn day which represented the final judgment. Then they would be ready to celebrate their forgiveness with much joy during the Feast of Tabernacles for one whole week (Tishri 15-22). This would correspond with its September/October dates on the Gregorian calendar. For example Tishri 10, 1844 on the Hebrew Calendar was September 23rd of that year. Tishri 10, 1843 corresponded to October 4th, on Gregorian calendar. Should you be interested to verify this visit:
Knowing the correct feast days is vital because they fore-shadow and fulfill the redemption story. The idea of redemption and restoration in reality is the whole notion and theme throughout the Seven Feasts of the Lord. It is interesting that each of the seven months at the beginning of each month, a trumpet was sounded. But again on the seventh month, however, the seventh trumpet coincided with the seventh feast, which is commonly called The Feast. This Feast is the highlight of all the feasts days because it follows the Day of Atonement that is a day of Judgement. But mostly because once the judgement is past, the forgiven (redeemed) can now celebrate the feasts that points to being saved. God tabernacling with His people is the celebration of the redeemed. Just think, the seventh trumpet in the seventh month during the seventh and final feast day culminates with God with us. How can this not be significant to God's true people? To first be the remnant, the remnant must be ready to be restored, not waiting to be the remnant. It is God who creates the remnant and a remnant of the remnant. But this remnant derives from the restored among the redeemed. Are you with me? So why do we say it doesn't matter if we observe these days? We've resigned to only speak of them as references within the context of bibliography or intellectual sitings. Yet the true Thanksgiving Days should be the Fall Feasts of God. Knowing our thanksgiving holidays are not going to change the world's perspective on Christ, yet for many Christian believers that's as far as we'll go.
But what if, we will never be able to impact the world as Christ intended because we are not living our lives according to the Bible? What if, these fall feast does play a role in our salvation theology, and prophecies? Maybe, no..?
So why were the trumpets sounded then? I'd like to suggest because they are blown in order to get God's people ready, ready to repent, to get them to stop worshipping their idols. Yet, even then, many do not heed these warnings, and many do not repent and return to the ways and things of God, nor uprightness in heart. Today and in the very near future as we close out in earth's final days we will be called to do likewise. Will you chose to be ready? Question for you, when you realize that God is calling you out of Babylon or to repent, do you truly repent or just apologize?
To be ready means, to be aware and actively waiting to call and to continue to call, continue to minister to those that are in rebellion, to prophesy before the people and nations for such a time as this. In someways, all people have been familiar with the feasts, just the counterfeit ones. The ones instituted as substitutes. But why substitute what God has instituted in the first place? What would be the motive for man-made traditions to try do away with or over-ride these wonderful Feasts, with mere holidays and festivities that are not biblically sound? Instead they are used to draw the masses to do at will, what thou wilt. Compare, those other holidays and see where they merge, or blend or direct their allegiance. Why is that, do you think?
Okay, never heard of God's Feast days? Or maybe you have but just didn't quite get it. Why not do some research of your own, and read some more credible sources on them (not your pastor's blog or publications that dismisses them), by credible I mean, the Living Word of God - The Bible. Study to show thyself approach.
God is a God that loves to rejoice and celebrate. Paganism would have us believe that anything that is God-related cannot be fun or enjoyable. Paganism would have us paint with a broad bush and think, we are already observing easter and christmas, and the like. It doesn't matter, besides our fall festivals raise money for many church projects. Our christmas program is so cherished and is used to witness to the unchurched, for so many years. How can we possibly change that? Bottom-line, if its not broken why fix it? Guess what church? It's broken. Fix it! Well fixing it might cause more harm than good, you may say. Because your family or your church community might not support your boldness in this. They may even think you're a loose canon and slanderer--- weirdo and yes, legalistic. Surely God wants us to be united not divided in these things! Surely God knows and understands me, my heart! Surely He will save many people that didn't even keep the sabbath let alone these Feasts. Surely, the observation of these Feasts have no way of helping me, my family or the church understand the real struggles of modern day Christianity, nor the mysteries of Babylon and Revelation Prophecies. Surely those Feasts are of the past and have no place in present day truths. Finally, what does knowing all this have to do with last days events anyways, better yet, my personal salvation? I know these questions, because I've asked them myself, and have also been asked them. But what if understanding the role of the Feast days could help to unlock key bible prophecies that will ultimately direct my attention away from apostasy, and towards being spiritually fit and ready to overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of His Testimony?
Case in point, someone asked me recently, are these trumpets another depiction of the last plagues as some scholars have suggested?
Well, we will take a look at that later. But I would like to say that its is very strongly indicated in the Bible that, the plagues happen after probation closes. The trumpets are warnings of destruction before it comes. Can God trust the watchman in you?
But join me next time when we will look at the differences or commonalities between the last plagues and the trumpets of Revelation.
As an overview, let's take a brief moment and look at the three remaining Fall Feasts (Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles). To begin, The Feast of Trumpets observed on the first day of the seventh month, (i.e Tishri 1) is extremely important for those who might want to return to God. Well, we know that through the Blood of Christ we are redeemed, but remember the feasts are not to be set aside as fulfilled and thus made void. Christ fulfilled the requirement of the Law. But these pattern of things to come is to be kept forever even through eternity. Best understood, the yet to be fulfilled fall feast days are ordinances set as roadmaps, that guides us, the same way a g.p.s does while preparing us for His seconding coming. Friends, for us today this should be most imperative, we should be on the look out and be watchful every day because both the feasts days and the heavenly signs are often connected.
Now, the first day of every month began with the blowing of trumpets. However, the reason why the blowing of trumpets on the first day of the seventh month is especially important; is because in this seventh month, the Day of Atonement was kept. It was in this month that the High Priest went before the ark of the covenant (Mercy Seat) on His people's behalf. It was the month of second chances. It's just before finalizing or getting the harvest ready for reaping. What a blessing and privilege God afforded us with?
Again, the Day of Atonement always precedes the Feast of Tabernacles by five days. The Day of Atonement (Tishri 10) is the day when the people of God were to search their hearts and consecrate themselves to the Lord in preparation for this solemn day which represented the final judgment. Then they would be ready to celebrate their forgiveness with much joy during the Feast of Tabernacles for one whole week (Tishri 15-22). This would correspond with its September/October dates on the Gregorian calendar. For example Tishri 10, 1844 on the Hebrew Calendar was September 23rd of that year. Tishri 10, 1843 corresponded to October 4th, on Gregorian calendar. Should you be interested to verify this visit:
Knowing the correct feast days is vital because they fore-shadow and fulfill the redemption story. The idea of redemption and restoration in reality is the whole notion and theme throughout the Seven Feasts of the Lord. It is interesting that each of the seven months at the beginning of each month, a trumpet was sounded. But again on the seventh month, however, the seventh trumpet coincided with the seventh feast, which is commonly called The Feast. This Feast is the highlight of all the feasts days because it follows the Day of Atonement that is a day of Judgement. But mostly because once the judgement is past, the forgiven (redeemed) can now celebrate the feasts that points to being saved. God tabernacling with His people is the celebration of the redeemed. Just think, the seventh trumpet in the seventh month during the seventh and final feast day culminates with God with us. How can this not be significant to God's true people? To first be the remnant, the remnant must be ready to be restored, not waiting to be the remnant. It is God who creates the remnant and a remnant of the remnant. But this remnant derives from the restored among the redeemed. Are you with me? So why do we say it doesn't matter if we observe these days? We've resigned to only speak of them as references within the context of bibliography or intellectual sitings. Yet the true Thanksgiving Days should be the Fall Feasts of God. Knowing our thanksgiving holidays are not going to change the world's perspective on Christ, yet for many Christian believers that's as far as we'll go.
But what if, we will never be able to impact the world as Christ intended because we are not living our lives according to the Bible? What if, these fall feast does play a role in our salvation theology, and prophecies? Maybe, no..?

To be ready means, to be aware and actively waiting to call and to continue to call, continue to minister to those that are in rebellion, to prophesy before the people and nations for such a time as this. In someways, all people have been familiar with the feasts, just the counterfeit ones. The ones instituted as substitutes. But why substitute what God has instituted in the first place? What would be the motive for man-made traditions to try do away with or over-ride these wonderful Feasts, with mere holidays and festivities that are not biblically sound? Instead they are used to draw the masses to do at will, what thou wilt. Compare, those other holidays and see where they merge, or blend or direct their allegiance. Why is that, do you think?
Okay, never heard of God's Feast days? Or maybe you have but just didn't quite get it. Why not do some research of your own, and read some more credible sources on them (not your pastor's blog or publications that dismisses them), by credible I mean, the Living Word of God - The Bible. Study to show thyself approach.
God is a God that loves to rejoice and celebrate. Paganism would have us believe that anything that is God-related cannot be fun or enjoyable. Paganism would have us paint with a broad bush and think, we are already observing easter and christmas, and the like. It doesn't matter, besides our fall festivals raise money for many church projects. Our christmas program is so cherished and is used to witness to the unchurched, for so many years. How can we possibly change that? Bottom-line, if its not broken why fix it? Guess what church? It's broken. Fix it! Well fixing it might cause more harm than good, you may say. Because your family or your church community might not support your boldness in this. They may even think you're a loose canon and slanderer--- weirdo and yes, legalistic. Surely God wants us to be united not divided in these things! Surely God knows and understands me, my heart! Surely He will save many people that didn't even keep the sabbath let alone these Feasts. Surely, the observation of these Feasts have no way of helping me, my family or the church understand the real struggles of modern day Christianity, nor the mysteries of Babylon and Revelation Prophecies. Surely those Feasts are of the past and have no place in present day truths. Finally, what does knowing all this have to do with last days events anyways, better yet, my personal salvation? I know these questions, because I've asked them myself, and have also been asked them. But what if understanding the role of the Feast days could help to unlock key bible prophecies that will ultimately direct my attention away from apostasy, and towards being spiritually fit and ready to overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of His Testimony?
Case in point, someone asked me recently, are these trumpets another depiction of the last plagues as some scholars have suggested?
Well, we will take a look at that later. But I would like to say that its is very strongly indicated in the Bible that, the plagues happen after probation closes. The trumpets are warnings of destruction before it comes. Can God trust the watchman in you?
But join me next time when we will look at the differences or commonalities between the last plagues and the trumpets of Revelation.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Did you know that Satan is a false prophet whose prophecies will be fulfilled?
The Sukkoth Holidays are commemorative of the Exodus from Egypt. Now, we are ready to continue with the reading about this feast. Its good to know that each day of Sukkoth is viewed as day. Each activity of the week is dedicated to various yet specific bible reading, some are repetitive in format but different in emphasis according to Torah, and activities associated with each.
Now, because the Feast is commemorative to the Egypt Experience, the Torah is the platform from which these instructions are given and read. However, that is not to disqualify the converted christian from participating, nor suggest one has to convert to Judaism. We have been grafted in and by that same principle may part-take of the blessings, that these Feasts presents to all who accepts and wish to keep all statutes and precepts; all of God's commandments. Thus inheriting all of God's blessings.
The next conflict that could arise for non-practicing Christians, could be the ordinances that have been nailed to the cross according to Paul in Colossians. Let's take a look at that:-
Colossians 2:12-14
12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
So the question is, what was nailed to the cross? Was it the law or not? And if so, what law or laws?
To begin, Christ admonishes us that, He did not come to do away with but to fulfill the law. So we must be clear of what was nailed to the cross, when Christ was crucified. Well according to Colossians 2: 13, Christ have given us resurrection power and forgiveness from all (not some) our sins. In other words, it is the condemnation of the consequences of sin, that is against us, that was nailed. Yes, as a result the ceremonial laws, (shedding of animals blood for the remission of sins continuously during the feasts days) was no longer necessary, valid or in effect. Christ shed His blood once and for all.
However, the purpose of the Feast Days, and Holy Days are to remain as a commemorative reminder of what Christ had done and will continue to do as rehearsals for His future Kingdom or foreshadowing His plans for mankind.
So while it's no longer necessary to kill and slaughter tens and thousands of beautiful and innocent animals to met the price of our heads. We still are expected to honor God by pointing to those days, He marked as symbolic to redemption of mankind. It's for this same reason, Christendom points to "easter" and "christmas", except these days are counterfeit festivities.
Everything good thing that God establishes, Satan the arch-enemy tries to counterfeit. Unfortunately he does a good job of it. Many will be loss because they would have fallen prey to his deceptions. Did you know that Satan is a false prophet whose prophecies will be fulfilled? See what God said, Satan said about himself - Isaiah 14:13-15
I will ascend into heaven, (He did just that) See Job 1:6
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; (He will do this) Matthew 24:15
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation; (He will do this) 2 Thessalonians 2:4I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; (He will do this) Matthew 24:15
On the farthest sides of the north; (He will do this) See Daniel 8
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, (He will do this)2 Thess. 2:4
I will be like the Most High.’ (He will do this) Isaiah 10:12-14 and Revelation 13:4
Ultimately it is God who fulfills or permits these things to come to pass. So Satan is on an agenda and is determined to fulfill it. He does it with the true day of worship, as many are deceived about God's true day of worship the Sabbath. And by attempting to change times and laws to reinstates a false day of worship pointing to him, Satan is the false god that is being worshipped. See Isaiah 14:13
The fact of the matter is whether you accept this or not doesn't make it more or less truthful. Irrespective of what we use as our calendar, God has always used His calendar to bring about His plans. However, it is good to be on the Lord's side. When we choose to observe the calendar that God has instituted we are able to see and have a vision of what He's saying and doing prophetically. That is why the Feast days (all seven High Feasts Sabbaths and Holy days) are to be observed in conjunction with the regular seventh day weekly sabbath. They were never nailed to the cross.
On whose authority can I say this, well:-
The Bible says you don’t have to be a Greek or Hebrew scholar, you don’t have to be a seminary graduate. Psalm:119:9. And 2 Timothy:3:15 Paul says to Timothy, “From a child you have known the holy scriptures that are able to make you wise unto salvation.”
Friday, September 20, 2013
Why and How is Sukkoth Celebrated?
14And they found written in the Law, which the Lord had commanded by Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month, 15 and that they should announce and proclaim in all their cities and in Jerusalem, saying, “Go out to the mountain, and bring olive branches, branches of oil trees, myrtle branches, palm branches, and branches of leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written.” Nehemiah 8 gives us a glimpse of the Israelites re-discovery of the feasts. The story continues by relating how long they had not done so! As a result they had much gladness and day by day (paraphrasing) they read from the Law and kept the feast all 7 days. Then the day after or eighth day, there is a great assembly or convocation to close off the week.
What is amazing is that they realized that they should be keeping these days; that were long overdue, forgotten since the days of Joshua. Immediately on discovering this they sent our the word to proclaim in all their cities and Jerusalem.
Today, the Feast is observed and celebrated throughout Jerusalem and various parts of the world, including the United States. A Sukkat is built, which is like a tent as a form of temporary housing. Some place these in their backyards and live in them for the 7 days. Great planning and preparation is put in this special event and that includes inviting family, friends, guests and strangers to join in. Some local churches may host a larger event with makeshift tents and a great feast is done, lots of food and special reading and activities that are related to the memorial of Moses leading the Israelites and God's providence, protection and provisions for them. Reflections are done as a way of pointing to Christ's second return to forever tabernacle with His bride, the church. This fall feast has been long over-looked and regarded as a Jewish feast. Nevertheless, fall festivals and holidays like Thanksgiving in all actuality were adopted from this original fall feast, modified and as time when by The Feast of Tabernacles became water-down and substituted, while pagan holidays remain.
Nevertheless, let's look at the four (4) symbols used during this special feast. The four winds as they are commonly called are very symbolic prophetically. These are 1. lulav (the green closed front of the date palm tree); 2. hadass (twigs and leaves of the myrtle tree); 3. aravah (twigs and leaves from a willow tree); and 4. etrog ( a lemon-like fruit of the citrus family). The lulav and the aravah. The hadass, and finally the etrog. According to tradition, these four symbols represent four kinds of people. I'm not sure if it would be the four kinds of people that exists among humanity, or the four kinds of people that will be saved. But within these feasts there are multiple layers of semiotics and prophetic meanings. Of course for the Jews this is a considered very special holiday because of their heritage and their forefathers' spiritual legacy. But all of spiritual Israel has inherited that heritage through Christ, our second Adam.
So while it is true that this was given directly to the Israelites after they came out of Egypt as a reminder that God is their shelter. It is also important to reminder that it is God's intention to be mankind's shelter. That all of us have been enslaved or have been in an Egypt or wilderness experience that teaches us to completely rely on God and give Him thanksgiving for bringing us over and across the Red Sea of our circumstances. Have you not been there and needed to be reminded that God is the one that provides and delivers amidst your trials. That God alone is our Shelter, that our temporary home is but a shadow of what is to come. In fact He will literally be our Shelter as He will be our Tabernacle or Temple as we will dwell within His literal Temple and He with us. So the Feast of the Tabernacle serves to remind us of God's intentionality even for Gentile believers. Zechariah 14:16 tells us that all the nations will come to Jerusalem to worship God, during the Feast of Tabernacles. So if we will be keeping the Feast then, why not now? This text is somewhat parallel to Isaiah 66:23 that tells us that the Sabbath will be kept from one new month to the next. If the Sabbath will be kept then, why not keep it now, many Sabbath keepers ask this question in defense of Sabbath keeping. How about you, what is your stand on this? Are you willing to study more on this and other Holy Feast Days?
What is amazing is that they realized that they should be keeping these days; that were long overdue, forgotten since the days of Joshua. Immediately on discovering this they sent our the word to proclaim in all their cities and Jerusalem.
Today, the Feast is observed and celebrated throughout Jerusalem and various parts of the world, including the United States. A Sukkat is built, which is like a tent as a form of temporary housing. Some place these in their backyards and live in them for the 7 days. Great planning and preparation is put in this special event and that includes inviting family, friends, guests and strangers to join in. Some local churches may host a larger event with makeshift tents and a great feast is done, lots of food and special reading and activities that are related to the memorial of Moses leading the Israelites and God's providence, protection and provisions for them. Reflections are done as a way of pointing to Christ's second return to forever tabernacle with His bride, the church. This fall feast has been long over-looked and regarded as a Jewish feast. Nevertheless, fall festivals and holidays like Thanksgiving in all actuality were adopted from this original fall feast, modified and as time when by The Feast of Tabernacles became water-down and substituted, while pagan holidays remain.
So while it is true that this was given directly to the Israelites after they came out of Egypt as a reminder that God is their shelter. It is also important to reminder that it is God's intention to be mankind's shelter. That all of us have been enslaved or have been in an Egypt or wilderness experience that teaches us to completely rely on God and give Him thanksgiving for bringing us over and across the Red Sea of our circumstances. Have you not been there and needed to be reminded that God is the one that provides and delivers amidst your trials. That God alone is our Shelter, that our temporary home is but a shadow of what is to come. In fact He will literally be our Shelter as He will be our Tabernacle or Temple as we will dwell within His literal Temple and He with us. So the Feast of the Tabernacle serves to remind us of God's intentionality even for Gentile believers. Zechariah 14:16 tells us that all the nations will come to Jerusalem to worship God, during the Feast of Tabernacles. So if we will be keeping the Feast then, why not now? This text is somewhat parallel to Isaiah 66:23 that tells us that the Sabbath will be kept from one new month to the next. If the Sabbath will be kept then, why not keep it now, many Sabbath keepers ask this question in defense of Sabbath keeping. How about you, what is your stand on this? Are you willing to study more on this and other Holy Feast Days?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Why all converted Christians like converted Jews should Observe these Holy Days and Sabbath days
The Eve of the first day of Feast of Tabernacles begins
Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at sunset.
This kicks off the week of Sukkoth, which is really a week of rejoicing
and thanksgiving. But, first: -
What is
Sukkoth? (Succoth, Succoth, Sukkoth)
Sukkoth is the Jewish name for the Feast of Tabernacles or
Feast of Booths.
When is
Sukkoth Observed?
All week long, typically 7 days. So this year September
18-25, 2013. Beginning on the eve of the first day (yesterday Wednesday) on the Jewish/Hebrew
calendar, that is 15th day of Tishri (or Tishrei), which is the first month of
the year of the Jewish Civil calendar. This is different from the Jewish
Religious Calendar that begins always in the first month (Nisan or Abib). The month of Nisan corresponds with March-April (Spring). This same Nisan or Abib is the month that
Passover is observed.
To better clarify this take for example, a student’s academic school year begins in
fall, i.e., sometime between late August to early September. However, the
student’s civil or new year begins and is observed in the month January.
Now back to the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkoth, is to be a set aside and treated as a Sabbath day.
Because it is a Sabbath to the Lord. In fact, the Bible strongly point to the Feast of Tabernacles as the time of Jesus' birth, not Christmas. This sheds even more light on one of His names, Emmanuel (God with us). Because He God came and tabernacled with mankind. Therefore, this season should be especially important to all Christians, and Jews a like.
But Why
should Christian Observe Sukkoth
Because God said so in Deuteronomy 16:13-15
13 “You shall observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days, when you
have gathered from your threshing floor and from your winepress. 14 And
you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male
servant and your female servant and the Levite, the stranger and the fatherless
and the widow, who are within
your gates. 15 Seven days you shall keep a sacred
feast to the Lord your
God in the place, which the Lord
chooses, because the Lord your
God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so
that you surely rejoice.
If we observe pagan holidays that are
contrary to the sound biblical doctrines, why not the observed the ones God has ordained and
set aside for us? The ones that point to the Doctrine of Salvation and Jesus Christ as our one true Lord and Savior?
A Jewish Holiday
No this is not only for Jews. Just think: are Jewish people the only sinners in need of
a Messiah or Savior? Are the Jews
the only people that can reject God?
Are they the only people Jesus Christ died to save? Please be encouraged to know that, the
commandment comes from God Himself, not the Jewish people and includes the
stranger with the gates of the Jews. But if this is true, there would be no
need for Adventists or any Sabbath keeping congregation to keep the Sabbath. It would make no sense to evangelize and invite them to do so either. See the irony in that? But if you
insist that there is no valid reason to observe or acknowledge the importance of such feasts, then we one could argue that we might be left to assume that the Sabbath commandment, that gives a
similar wording stands in err, was
nailed to the cross having no or less importance to believers today. See the hypocrisy with that? Now take a moment and see Exodus
20:8. When you have, please ask yourself, who were these strangers to be included in the observance of the commandments given? And were they all Jewish
or non-Jews? Next, If so, is the Feast of Tabernacles only for the Jewish people or
for the entire Nations? Now, see Zechariah 14:16. It is safe to
conclude from the prophet Zechariah's testimony that this is a future prophecy, yet to take place and that everything about this feast, and all other Feast days foreshadowed
Jesus’ earthly ministry then and
His second coming!
Tomorrow we will look how Sukkoth is and can be celebrated, and also the importance and relevance of the Feast of Tabernacles!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
He was naked, she was naked - who told you, you were naked?
And they
were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Their nakedness was
one of purity, no guile between them, or guilt of anything done wrong.
Before we get married Satan tries to tempt us to have sex outside of marriage. When we get married he tries to tempt you not to have enough or any. The enemy is aware of the sacredness and sweetness that comes in the purity of this union. It is a spiritual connection to God that is a mystery. When we engage in premarital sex, we are allowing ourselves to be uncovered and accused as such. The sacredness of being truly intimate is tainted. Sure we can recover, but there will be consequences. For example, David and Bathsheba had a love child that died. It might not be as drastic for you. But you will find that some shame will be attached to your experience that affect the blessings that God had in mind for you to walk boldly in.
Why do you think Adam, who was always naked suddenly be ashamed of his nakedness?
Today, Satan would have us believe that the feeling of "feeling guilty" will have us think we have destroyed our connection or relationship with each other or God. But if that was true, then mercy has no role, or grace no place in our lives. Feeling guilty is a good thing. Because guilt comes from the awareness that something needs to be fixed. It's the need to fix that something that drives us home to God's grace. That is what we should focus on, not the flaws or fault-line that got us there.
How can we know this, later in this love-story, we find that God ranked second, when Adam chose death over eternal life, rather than to risk being separated from the love of his life forever. Instead he ate the forbidden fruit. It was an act of rebellion, but it was an act of love. He knew that marriage was to be eternal. He by choosing to eat that fruit and die with Eve would allow God to either save both or not to at all. God chose to save both, than to do away with all. He came and died Himself. So you, me and all whom choose life; to live for Him and with Him forever.
Before we get married Satan tries to tempt us to have sex outside of marriage. When we get married he tries to tempt you not to have enough or any. The enemy is aware of the sacredness and sweetness that comes in the purity of this union. It is a spiritual connection to God that is a mystery. When we engage in premarital sex, we are allowing ourselves to be uncovered and accused as such. The sacredness of being truly intimate is tainted. Sure we can recover, but there will be consequences. For example, David and Bathsheba had a love child that died. It might not be as drastic for you. But you will find that some shame will be attached to your experience that affect the blessings that God had in mind for you to walk boldly in.
Why do you think Adam, who was always naked suddenly be ashamed of his nakedness?
Today, Satan would have us believe that the feeling of "feeling guilty" will have us think we have destroyed our connection or relationship with each other or God. But if that was true, then mercy has no role, or grace no place in our lives. Feeling guilty is a good thing. Because guilt comes from the awareness that something needs to be fixed. It's the need to fix that something that drives us home to God's grace. That is what we should focus on, not the flaws or fault-line that got us there.
How can we know this, later in this love-story, we find that God ranked second, when Adam chose death over eternal life, rather than to risk being separated from the love of his life forever. Instead he ate the forbidden fruit. It was an act of rebellion, but it was an act of love. He knew that marriage was to be eternal. He by choosing to eat that fruit and die with Eve would allow God to either save both or not to at all. God chose to save both, than to do away with all. He came and died Himself. So you, me and all whom choose life; to live for Him and with Him forever.
The act of
nakedness is a phenomenon in of itself. Some people are more comfortable naked
than clothed, others not so much. But its the ability to get your mind to
operate as if you are covered, knowing you are not that is key. Case in
point, when Adam and Eve were sinless they were naked and were not ashamed.
Then they sinned and were ashamed. But they were always naked? Why would the
idea of being "ashamed" be interjected?
nakedness is a language of intimacy, and being vulnerable. It's an act of being
"revealed". When they were both naked before sin, before each
other and God, they were covered in the language of intimacy and love. When sin
entered and they were revealed and accused of being uncovered from that intimacy
and love, they became ashamed. It was a lie that Eve bought from the enemy that led her to bite into the fruit. She was already "like" God. She was already created in the image of Him. She already knew good and had no need to know evil. She saw that the fruit was good, because everything God had created is good.
So God asked, "Who told you, you were
naked?". He asked not because He didn't know, but because He wanted them to
reveal what was uncovered about them that left them feeling so ashamed of their presence mingling with His. Satan, the accuser had used
the root of the same word but to expose, their undoing. In other words, Satan accused
them of not doing, what they were suppose to do, by getting them
to do what they shouldn't have done! This is the guilt that brings them to the
place of feeling ashamed.
Be no longer ashamed of the state of your nakedness. Be not dismayed or discouraged, for the Lord our God is with you even in your nakedness and shame.You can be covered in the blood and love of Christ. Seek to be clothed in Him daily.
Be no longer ashamed of the state of your nakedness. Be not dismayed or discouraged, for the Lord our God is with you even in your nakedness and shame.You can be covered in the blood and love of Christ. Seek to be clothed in Him daily.
Clinging is to Cleave as Letting go is to Leave
recognizes the awesomeness of what God had done and although we know from the
creation story, Adam had no mother or father, as we know it. Yet his committed response to Eve, was a God response. Let's see what he declared.
a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they
shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
not like Adam, was ungrateful to God. After all God had given him everything he
had, the entire earth, and all therein, and this perfect specimen of a woman.
What guy could ever ask for more? And yet somehow, indirectly Adam did. He
asked all of mankind, coming forth from him and his woman to leave his father
and mother and be joined to his wife. Why was this important to declare?
I would like to suggest
because God placed it in Adam's heart, the desire to abandon self and adjoin to
another to become something more. Although sinned had not yet affected Adam and
Eve this dying of self was already at work, to become less in order to be more.
The leaving and cleaving entail leaving whatever and whomever that would hinder
the cleaving mission. The transliteration of the Hebrew word "cleave"
is dabag (daw-bak) means to cling, hold fast tightly, to follow closely.
It was
a part of the mystery of marriage. A foreshadowing of what was to become of
Christ and the Church as Bride and Bridegroom. Something within Adam recognized
that eternal plan. Because from this human relationship and bond we would be
able to better understand Christ future plans to die to self Himself as Co-
Creator, in order to "wed" the Church to save the loss. God was in
fact making provisions long before Adam and Eve fell to sin to give them hope.
Ultimately to give us hope. For us to understand Christ's example for us to
leave "our" world and cleave to "His" and be at one with
His plans.
order for one to be able to appreciate what God will do in the marriage
community, the community need to be prepared to be married to its one and only.
To leave in order to cleave. It's pointless, for men to hold on to your
mother's hand while adjoining to their wives. Your mother can no longer be your
best-friend. I know it seems picture perfect, but it's ungodly. And wives
likewise to hold on to their father's while adjoining to their husband's. Daddy
is no longer deciding and defending. This is unacceptable to God. Unless, of
course your life depended on it, literally. Or it may be that you might have peeps and perpetrators playing that parenting role, even past flings and flames or friends interrupting your blessing. Many have
mis-married or divorced because of people like these. They too must leave. Many family
suffer from this epidemic because some vile and wicked jealous tongue said
something like, "blood is thicker than water!” But the question is, which
quenches your thirst more?
Are you
clinging to something that is preventing you to cleave. Leave! Let it go!
means no back-packing - no back-biting or back-peddling - or backsliding...nor going
for sabbaticals.
Bone of My Bones and Flesh of My Flesh
Make no mistake about it, before Adam was paired with Eve his life had meaning, and he served and worshipped God as Creator, and was committed to the work God tasked him with. From this his life gained value, and was filled with many talents, wonders and interests. But now with this new love-mate, life was to be more fulfilling, rewarding and be one of purpose and completeness.
And Adam said:
“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”
Right away Adam responded in the affirmative. He recognized that this love-mate was from him, of him and for him. It's almost as if, he was responding to his last thought before he went "under" and then the next thing he saw was this divinely beautiful personalized and handcrafted mate; that moved something so deep and inexpressible, within the fibre of his soul, he helplessly, shamelessly, responded with....NOW this is my comparable mate!
But there is so much that we can gleam from Adam's reaction. His response showed recognition of who she was. Yet I'd like to suggest, as a result of him first knowing who he was, he could recognize him in her. Adam had a clear sense of his identity prior to her entering his life. This identity one could say was the basis and basic element needed for God to manifest this aspect of His creative power on Adam's behalf. Because Adam was aware of who he was, he became of aware of what he needed and who he needed. That awareness prompted him to desire something more of God. Though it was never verbally expressed in the Bible, it was expressively verbalized. Because something prompted God's desire to meet that an unspoken desire in Adam.
As Steward-in-Chief to all earth, Adam's personality might have helped shaped his approach to life, horning his skills set, shaping his character, his values, and habits, taste and preferences. Everything about his role as earth's caretaker was preparing him for his future wife and family. By taking care of other life forms in nature and training the animals, he learnt how to enjoy life and give love and attention. He knew that although He was created from dust, it was not what he came from that mattered; but what he became...a living soul. With this fore-knowledge before he was matched, he was prepared.
Notice Adam's natural response is to give her a title. He knew who he was, and knew she need to know who he was. So with much confidence and decisiveness Adam called her what she would be forever known as woman. Because she was taken from him. She then knew from his confidence in recognizing who she was, that she could be confident in knowing and accepting him for who he was to her. Adam knew it was important for her to know who she was as well, that although she was different she was the same as he was-- they were one. Hers not limited to his identity but interwined as both theirs came from God. It was to be an unbroken bond and union forever.
Notice Adam's natural response is to give her a title. He knew who he was, and knew she need to know who he was. So with much confidence and decisiveness Adam called her what she would be forever known as woman. Because she was taken from him. She then knew from his confidence in recognizing who she was, that she could be confident in knowing and accepting him for who he was to her. Adam knew it was important for her to know who she was as well, that although she was different she was the same as he was-- they were one. Hers not limited to his identity but interwined as both theirs came from God. It was to be an unbroken bond and union forever.
Prior to this union Adam was not simply waiting, he was actively waiting. But his act of waiting was also an act of worship. So he worked and worshipped. God also prepared Adam for his biggest blessing yet, by trusting to Adam with all of earth's creation first. Then when Adam displayed his awareness of readiness God entrusted all of Adam, (his bone, his flesh in the form of woman) back to Adam. A man created to fulfill his God given role will need no further instruction. Because when God presented Eve to Adam, he knew exactly what to do, he not only gave her a title, he assigned her a role. He declared, "she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.
His former experiences gave Adam this authority. Authority that he earned and gained by doing exactly what God has tasked him to do. God rewarded Adam with the fruits of his labor when God created out of his loins, a help-mate that would help him to be fruitful and multiply. To be fruitful was always God's idea, it was never meant to be a consequence of sin. In spite of sin, God commanded Adam and Eve to move forward in faith and increase.
Do you have an unspoken desire of God? Are you afraid to utter because it seems too big, too much, too risky...even too silly? What have God been using to sharpen your mind and spirit to prepare you to receive His finest and choicest of His blessings? What if this is not a man or woman, but a relationship with Him that defies the enemy's plans for your life, and glories the plans He has for you according to Jeremiah 29:11? Will you choose Him and Him alone, if He's all.. He has for you. Is He enough, for you?
His former experiences gave Adam this authority. Authority that he earned and gained by doing exactly what God has tasked him to do. God rewarded Adam with the fruits of his labor when God created out of his loins, a help-mate that would help him to be fruitful and multiply. To be fruitful was always God's idea, it was never meant to be a consequence of sin. In spite of sin, God commanded Adam and Eve to move forward in faith and increase.
Do you have an unspoken desire of God? Are you afraid to utter because it seems too big, too much, too risky...even too silly? What have God been using to sharpen your mind and spirit to prepare you to receive His finest and choicest of His blessings? What if this is not a man or woman, but a relationship with Him that defies the enemy's plans for your life, and glories the plans He has for you according to Jeremiah 29:11? Will you choose Him and Him alone, if He's all.. He has for you. Is He enough, for you?
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
When Adam Met Eve....Was Adam one rib short?
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
Question. When Adam Met Eve was Adam one rib short?
Answer. No, he wasn't.
Let's look at the word rib. The hebrew word for rib is really translated as "side", not a bad translation, huh? In fact, it makes perfect sense! For we are to co-exist always side by side, and equally fit to be equally matched. This is a safe translation because science (e.g., x-ray) has shown that every human-being, male and female has 12 ribs each --- neither one is short.
So while we can't be exactly sure what it is that God removed or used. We do know the bible accounts that He did use something from Adam's body. Whatever that something was, it was intended to make the two one. The fact of the matter is, God created a formula hidden inside the marriage convenant that is a mystery. So what is God getting ready to do for you today, in you today, right now as you're reading this?
First, things first though, let's look at what He did for Adam and Eve. God allowed Adam to get to a point of being consciously aware that he needed a mate comparable to him. Insert Praise dance here! God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. Here we see the desire awakened in Adam, that gave God the permission if you will, to create the opportunity for the Creator to create right time, create right circumstance and the right opportunities that are one of a kind...unique to Adam. But also unique to Eve as well. Here we also see the first surgery and surgeon at work, as a result of those unmet needs. Now, while adam slept, great things were taking place in his future. Things that he couldn't see or control. Yet when he was awaken from his slumber and God presented Him with his helpmate he was blown away by the reality of it all. He was in awe of her. It was love at first sight. But prior to that, God tasked him with a garden to tend, animals to name, before he engaged Adam in the love game. God our Father and Provider showed by example what is expected from Adam. He provided for Adam an opportunity to be a provider like Himself. God supplies.
Second, it was God who brought Eve to Adam. God the ultimate "give-away father". Just as Adam was unaware of the activities taking place to prepare him for his ideal match. Eve was also unaware of who God had prepared for her while she was yet to be created. Before she was even taken or made from Adam, God had a helpmate for already existing before her existence. God was working on both their behalf. For Adam God made him get to a place of being consciously aware Eve was missing from his life. For Eve, for her to know that while she was yet to be created God had already done that which she would desire, before she could ever ask or imagine. God surprises.
Are you that girl that is always the brides-maid, never the bride? Or that guy that is always the best-man, never simply "the man". Do you find that everyone around you is getting hitched or dating the finest there is, living the life that is, and yet you are still waiting? Still waiting on that special something to take place in your romantic life? God sustains!
God is waiting for you to recognize that you have a hidden desire that can only be met by Him, that can only be met by His doing and will. That will require you dying to self, (made un-conscious) so He can do His thing that is uniquely created for your circumstance. Are you there yet? Hold on, the change will come and is coming!
Check out my next blog on Adam's response and recognition to what God had done.
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